Natural remedy for headache

After a tiring day, a stressful situation or a party that has lasted a long time, it is common for a person to feel a headache. Usually these pains that appear from time to time do not indicate a bigger problem and can be alleviated with some type of natural remedy for headache.

Natural remedy for headache

The purpose of this type of medication is getting instant relief for discomfort that isn't serious. As taking medication without a doctor's recommendation can be dangerous, natural headache remedy is a safe option for those who are experiencing this unpleasant sensation.

If you have a type of headache that is due to a serious health problem, a natural headache remedy may not be the best option. It won't hurt you, but maybe it won't help you that much. In cases of extreme pain, it is important that you look for a health professional to examine and medicate you properly.


Natural remedy for headache

The first natural remedy for headache is tea. There are six types of teas that are more efficient than others for treating this type of pain. You can prepare them with dried herbs, which are sold ready-made, or from a vegetable garden you have at home.

Chamomile tea: to relax and sleep more easily, chamomile tea can cure headache. In a cup of boiling water, put a teaspoon of chamomile flowers and enjoy the benefits!

Bilberry tea: If the headache comes from a hangover, boldo tea is ideal for detoxifying the body and improving liver function. For a cup of water, a spoonful of boldo leaves is enough.

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Angelica and Carqueja Tea: for a headache accompanied by a fever, you need to pay attention. If the fever doesn't go down after drinking tea with these ingredients, it's best to seek medical help. In two glasses of water, mix a handful of angelica and carqueja.

Ginger, linden and chamomile tea: the combination of these three ingredients allows a headache from a cold or flu to be alleviated. In 250ml of water, boil a teaspoon of each of the ingredients.

Avocado Leaf Tea: Ideal for headaches resulting from a tense situation, avocado leaf tea is soothing and antioxidant. With 20 chopped leaves and a liter of water, you can make a tea that can be drunk or used as a compress.

Lemon, Orange and Tangerine Seed Tea: the anti-inflammatories and antioxidants present in these fruits are in great concentration in their seeds. Headache relief from a stressful situation can be instant with this tea. Dry the seeds, blend in a food processor and use the powder to make tea.


Natural remedy for headache

In a moment of headache, you may not be able to prepare a tea. In this case, you can look for some food that helps in the healing process of this pain. Below, you will find a list of foods that have components that help with headache dissipation.

Magnesium: The headache can be due to the lack of magnesium in the body. Some foods that have this nutrient are dark chocolate, spinach, almonds and Swiss chard. Avoiding sugar at this time can also help you!

Chili: this ingredient has an anti-inflammatory power that soothes the nerves and reduces headache. It can be applied to the pain site or ingested, bringing a sensation of anesthesia to the headache.

Turmeric: This spice, also known as turmeric, can help during a headache as it is antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. Put some in your food and feel the difference!

Essencial oils

Natural remedy for headache

Essential oils are oily products that can be rubbed onto your hands, body (in the area affected by pain) or that can be splashed in the environment where you are. The oils you will find below have properties that relieve headaches, so they can help you.

Peppermint essential oil: ideal for tension headaches, as mint is a natural tranquilizer and pepper acts as an anesthetic. You can spread the oil around or keep it close to you if you want a sense of tranquility and calm.

Lavender essential oil: Lavender has a sedative and tranquilizing action that helps to reduce stress and anesthetize headaches. Can be placed on bedding for a more restful sleep.

Rosemary essential oil: rosemary has an analgesic effect, working as a natural remedy for migraine headaches, which are stronger than others. Keep a bottle of it on hand for any situation where you need relief.


Natural remedy for headache

If it's tension that's causing your headache, meditating can be an effective solution to the problem you're experiencing. For this you need to be in a quiet and peaceful place, which can even be a bathroom if you are in a public place.

Start by controlling your breathing. Inhale and exhale, feeling the air entering your body and reaching your lungs. If you have a glass of water nearby, it might help. Clear bad thoughts from your mind and imagine a peaceful setting.

Focus on that scenario, taking a deep breath. Feel the stress and tension leaving your body as you stop worrying about the issue that is plaguing you. At the end of the process, when you feel better, drink a sip of water so that your body regains energy.

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