Create your reality: You are what you think!

    Create your reality: You are what you think!
    Regardless of the owner of the phrase, some positive thoughts can transform our daily lives, give that gas, and still make us reflect.

    We are going to present a list of phrases that can be checked at certain times of your day, or phase, as they represent the desire to always improve, stand up in the face of obstacles and give value to what really matters. Check out some:

    1- “Being confident depends only on me. No one else is needed” (Unknown author)

    It is not necessary to depend on others to believe that you are good or that you will achieve something. The only person who can bet on you, on your dreams and goals, is only you. Bet on yourself, believe in the best you have to offer and don't give up.

    2- "The first of the goods, after health, is inner peace.”, Francois La Rochefoucauld.

    In a minimalist world, where desire and attachment are in constant pursuit, evaluating and paying attention to inner peace seems to have been sidelined. Don't accumulate, preserve your health and look for alternatives to feed the best you can give to others, which is your company, love and respect. And all this can be improved when inner peace is constantly illuminated.

    3- “Failure is the opportunity to start over with more intelligence and redoubled will”, Henry Ford.

    Failure does not exist. Everyone is prone to make mistakes and fail, but not everything can be seen as a failure. If something did not go as expected, believe that it is always an opportunity for you to repair your mistakes and bet on the next step with more firmness and dedication. No matter how many and how many attempts there are. The greatest leaders have failed countless times, but they didn't give up and they got there.

    4- “If one day you have to choose between the world and love, remember: if you choose the world, you will be without love, but if you choose love with it, you will conquer the world”, Albert Einstein.

    Have you ever thought of what use all the material goods conquered, when we are scarce of love? Here love does not refer to the love of companionship alone, but to love for oneself and for one's neighbor. Love here reconfigures itself as respect, compassion, empathy. Why envy and pride if we can be happier spreading and living love?

    5- “In the great battles of life, the first step to victory is the desire to win”, Mahatma Gandhi.

    It is necessary to have focus, objectives in this small and valuable work that is life. We can't come and say that we don't have a mission here and it doesn't matter where we end up. More likely, others will put you in a destination you least expected or wanted. Focus on something simple, on your desires and desire to win. Overcome your fears, your barriers. Winning the way to lead a happier life in the face of all difficulties. Put a smile on your face, imagine your goal and walk strongly without forgetting your friends and family. Without them, we will be alone, regardless of the role we occupy.

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