Natural gynecology: understand the symtothermal method

The Estado de São Paulo newspaper listed as contraceptive methods (which prevent or reduce the chances of a woman getting pregnant) the contraceptive pill, condoms and the symptoterm method. The latter is a way out found by women who they don't want to ingest the hormones from the pills and they don't feel completely safe with just the condom.

What is the symptothermal method?

The symptothermal method is a resource of natural gynecology not only to prevent a pregnancy, but also to plan it. Another benefit is the self-knowledge provided by this form of contraception.

Natural gynecology: understand the symtothermal method

This process is possible because the method is based on the analysis of the functioning of the female body: basal body temperature, vaginal secretion and observation of the uterine cervix. To understand what the aspects of each factor mean, it is necessary to look and touch one's own body in order to understand the menstrual cycle (as well as the period of ovulation).

Regarding body temperature, the woman needs to measure it every day, with a thermometer to two decimal places. After ovulation, this temperature tends to rise a little.

Vaginal secretion can present different aspects: dryness at the end of menstruation, fluidity, sticky appearance and transparent color in the fertile period.

In the infertile period, it has an opaque appearance and a thick texture. The cervix becomes taller and has a softened texture during the fertile period. To analyze it, you need to insert your finger into the vagina, in a comfortable position.

Natural gynecology: understand the symtothermal method

What do gynecologists say?

The method is recommended by gynecologist Bel Saide, a specialist in natural gynecology. The doctor says that changes throughout the cycle can be subtle, but women are able to observe their bodies and follow what is different about them. 

According to gynecologist Bel, it is possible to stop the pill without medical supervision. She guarantees that after a few months the cycle will return to normal, although before that the skin and hair become oily or menstruation does not come.

According to her, this is a different way of looking at fertility and sexuality, detaching one from the other and understanding how they affect women's daily lives.

User's opinion

Luana Moreira, a 19-year-old student, switched from the contraceptive pill to the symtothermal method, after meeting him in a Facebook group. In addition to this method, Luana uses a condom. Without the pill, the student felt an increase in libido, reduced pain caused by the pill and gained more energy.

If a woman is having trouble noticing these changes, she may notice factors such as change in the breast, sensitivity, colic in the lower abdomen, sleep, mood and skin changes. Infections in the body and alcohol intake are factors that modify basal temperature.

In Luana's case, for example, observing the changes in her body and controlling it was easier than remembering to take the pill daily.

Natural gynecology: understand the symtothermal method

Is it a safe method?

A study carried out by the University of Oxford showed that after 13 cycles, about two women out of 100 who used this method ended up getting pregnant unexpectedly.. Nine women out of this total gave up the sympto-thermal treatment due to dissatisfaction.

Couples who used protection during their fertile period had a pregnancy rate of 0,6 per 100 women.

Although the method brings benefits, there are criticisms of it. The gynecologist Rogério Bonassi says that the symptoterm is a more frequent method in social networks, little talked about in the offices.

Because of this, the lack of instruction from a health professional can lead to failures in the application of the method. This can also happen because the observed factors can vary monthly or weekly, making monitoring difficult.

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