Mindful Eating Day

Mindful Eating can be translated as mindful eating, mindful eating or mindful eating. It is a practice to be present and aware of eating, both within us, in physical sensations, feelings and thoughts, and outside in the environment.

“By observing what we eat and drink, we can cultivate gratitude for the food we have. The feeling of well-being and peace is great when we no longer need to use food to solve our problems.”

– Patricia Collard

The Center for Mindful Eating has prepared material to spread the message about Mindful Eating.

The four messages of Mindful Eating Day!

Mindful Eating Day

Take care and heal your relationship with food

Mindfulness enables us to notice experiences and respond with kindness and kindness.

At mealtime, take the opportunity to nourish yourself with what you need, noting your real needs. And how would you describe your relationship with your body, food and eating?

Mindful Eating, conscious eating, empowers us with tools and support to improve our relationship with food at every moment.

Compassionate curiosity helps you become more present

When we are able to ask “what is going on here?”, we allow ourselves to perceive our experience without judgment and criticism, and open to observation. This opens up opportunities to evaluate our choices.

Can you imagine what compassionate curiosity can sound and feel like?

Let's expand our food experience.

Can you be a little kinder? A little more curious? With a little less criticism? A little less harsh? What could be one small step I could take?

The ability to pause and become aware of your direct experience with feelings, thoughts, and physical sensations helps you discover new options and choices.

Respectful care in the present moment

When we are able to nurture ourselves from a place of respect and care, we are more likely to be able to tune in to what we need at any given moment and recognize that our needs change over time. Even when the present moment is not pleasant, pausing and acknowledging what is present gives you the information you need to change.

Nurture mindful eating with joy

“When there is no joy in eating, nutrition suffers.”

– Ellyn Satter

Eating with joy is prioritizing the inclusion of foods you enjoy. It helps to feel good.

Many people ask, “Will I lose weight by eating more mindfully?”

Mindful eating is not a diet or a way to lose weight, but a basis for developing a healthy relationship with food and eating, with a good dose of joy and pleasure.

Good practice!

ReferĂŞncia: The Center for Mindful Eating.

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