Melon juice recipe for your self-care

More and more people are expanding self-care, which is closely linked to self-esteem. If before he referred to the treatment of hair, skin, nails and other items related to appearance, today it has a much greater meaning and represents attention to both physical and psychic, relational and spiritual aspects, strengthening the focus on comprehensive health.

In this way, it is essential to know which foods to eat to seek sources of vitamins, minerals, proteins and all the nutrients that the body needs to obtain energy and disposition, prevent diseases, maintain well-being, preserve beauty and promote longevity, taking advantage of self-care in this expanded sense.

And to assist in this objective, there are juices that, in addition to being very pleasant to the palate, are easy to prepare, with known and accessible ingredients, and are true resources to achieve the desired health. Meet one of them, the melon juice. Discover the properties of this fruit and how it acts in the body. Prepare the suggested recipes and enjoy this refreshing way of taking care of yourself!

Melon benefits for the body

In everyday life, we call melon fruit; but, for botany, it is a vegetable of the Cucurbitaceae family, like watermelon, zucchini and cucumber. With a controversial origin among researchers, there are records of its cultivation in Iran and Egypt, since about 2.500 years before Christ, although some believe that it arose in India and elsewhere in Africa. With a wide variety grown in semi-arid regions around the world, this fruit is more or less spherical, with a thick skin, fleshy and juicy pulp, flat seeds in the center and a lot of water (about 80% of the unit), in addition to nutrients that bring many health benefits. Look:

Melon juice recipe for your self-care
congerdesign / Pixabay

It has a diuretic effect as it has a lot of water. It still helps in intestinal transit for the same reason and because it has fiber and magnesium. In addition, due to potassium, it has antispasmodic action, neutralizing contractions and pain in the digestive tract. It's a natural moisturizer!

It supports heart health, balancing blood pressure and acting against arrhythmia, mainly thanks to the presence of potassium.

It helps in controlling body weight, because despite providing a moderate amount of carbohydrates (sugars), it has a low amount of calories, fat and sodium; it gives a feeling of satiety and can be included in calorie-restricted diets, combined with other foods and the practice of frequent physical exercises. In fact, carbohydrates are excellent sources of energy to start the day right.

It stimulates the immune system and has antioxidant action as it contains beta-carotene and vitamin C. Thus, it helps to delay aging. In addition, these nutrients contribute to the health of the skin and eyes and participate in the formation of collagen and bones. It also facilitates the formation of red blood cells and the absorption of iron by the body.

It helps in the prevention of cancer and in the fight against depression, as it has cucurbitacin B, lithium and zinc. It also helps fight dandruff and ulcers due to the same components. In addition to being beneficial to the body, it helps keep mental health up to date.

It has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antifungal action because it is a fruit rich in flavonoids. In addition, they support the regulatory processes of metabolism.

So, in a simple way, melon consumption should be frequent in self-care. There are even around 60 types of fruit, some being more fragrant, sweet and available on the market than others. In addition to composing fruit salads, mixed salads with savory foods and jams, it can be consumed naturally. And there are several quick preparations of melon juice, excellent for hydrating the body on the hottest days. See the recipes below.

Melon Juice with Ginger and Mint

Allied to the benefits of melon, with this juice you can still get those related to ginger, mint and coconut water. In the case of ginger, gingerols, substances typical of this root, have digestive properties and help control type II diabetes.

Melon juice recipe for your self-care
Magdalena79 / Pixabay

As for mint, it neutralizes bad breath and fights bacteria that cause cavities as it has antibacterial properties. In addition, a study (Cognitive Enhancement through Stimulation of the Chemical Senses) published in 2005 in the “North American Journal of Psychology” identified that the smell and taste of mint have profound effects on cognitive functions such as reasoning, problem solving, judgment. and attention.

Regarding coconut water, among many benefits, it contains magnesium and potassium, which help to reduce tiredness and stress and, by rehydrating the body, reduces fatigue and malaise. So, boost your self-care with this juice.

Ingredients: 250 cup (150 mL) of chilled, peeled, cubed cantaloupe, XNUMX teaspoon of grated ginger, five to seven washed mint leaves, and XNUMX mL of coconut water.

Preparation: Mix all ingredients in a blender. If you want add sugar, honey or sweetener to taste; however, depending on the type of melon, there is no need. No need to strain or pass through a sieve. Enjoy immediately!

melon juice with cranberry

By adding the blackberry to the melon juice, you get resveratrol, an antioxidant flavonoid that reduces the action of the angiotensin hormone, responsible for increasing blood pressure, and enhances the production of nitric oxide, a hormone that induces vasodilation. This fruit is rich in iron (uncommon in fruits), which is important for blood circulation. In addition, it has vitamins A and E, important in dry skin care. It also has carotenoids, which help balance the synthesis of melanin, which is the skin's natural defense against the sun's action, and also delays hair bleaching. It is worth remembering that melon, although very rich, has little vitamin E, folic acid, iron and calcium. Therefore, the juice has a complementarity of nutrients. Try it for comprehensive self-care!

Melon juice recipe for your self-care
S. Hermann & F. Richter / Pixabay / Me Without Borders

Ingredients: two cups (250 ml) of cubed unpeeled chilled melon, the same measure of filtered or still mineral water, and seven blackberries.

Preparation: Blend everything in a blender and serve in a tall glass. No need to strain or pass through a sieve. And because blackberries are also sweet, as much sugar as honey or sweetener can be dispensed with. If you prefer, you can include an ice cube. Enjoy this delight!

Melon Juice with Kiwi and Green Apple

When you include kiwi in melon juice, among many benefits, you get a rich source of folic acid that acts in the formation of red blood cells and reduces the levels of homocysteine ​​toxin, helping to prevent heart disease. In addition, high levels of zeaxanthin and lutein are obtained, which help to protect macular degeneration (vision) caused by excessive exposure to blue light.

Melon juice recipe for your self-care
Jenö Szabó / Pixabay / Eu Sem Fronteiras

Regarding the green apple, this fruit has minerals such as copper, iron, potassium and manganese, which accelerate metabolism. It also contains vitamin K, which acts as an anti-hemorrhagic, favors wound healing and helps prevent gum bleeding. Thus, by grouping these three fruits, the juice enhances self-care with the body.

Ingredients: a cup (250 ml) of frozen melon cubes without the skin, the pulp of three ripe kiwis, half a green apple, diced with the skin, a cup (250 ml) of filtered or still mineral water, sugar, honey or a sweetener taste.

Preparation: Blend everything in the blender. No need to strain or pass through a sieve. Serve in a tall glass or two wine glasses with ice cubes. Enjoy this refreshing preparation, which, in addition to meaning self-care for your health, is also a treat for your taste buds.

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In conclusion, we realized that melon is an important fruit in self-care, because, in addition to being low in calories, it is rich in water, being a natural moisturizer. In addition, it has nutrients with a positive impact on various parts of the body, such as skin, blood and bones. It even has several types that can be included in the daily diet in natura or in various preparations, such as juices, and with the ease of combining with other fruits and leaves, bringing not only energy, good mood and well-being, but also a pleasant taste. So enjoy all that this ancient fruit offers and conquer the complete health you so desire.

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