What is happiness and how to achieve it?

Human beings have tried to understand the concept of happiness since the dawn of humanity. Whether through philosophy, psychology, religion or even common sense and meanings of each one, the objective is to understand what happiness is and how to achieve this much-desired sensation.

There are several definitions and ways found to reach it, which leads us to a fact: there is no exact formula for being happy. By the way, have you found your happiness yet? Do you know how to define it? In this article, we will show the diversity of perception about this great human objective. Enjoy reading and definitely understand what it takes to be happy.

What does happiness mean?

First, it is necessary to make it clear that there is no consensus on what happiness is. After all, with human plurality it was possible to develop different thoughts on the subject.

What is happiness and how to achieve it?
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In short, happiness can be considered as the full state of contentment. Being happy is directly related to the feeling of well-being and the sense and worth of life as a whole. And how to be happy will differ for each person.

for psychology

In psychology, it is common to use the expression “subjective well-being”, instead of the term happiness, considering that being happy is different for each individual. In fact, the concept of happiness is seen in different ways, according to the field of study, so it would be impossible to mention them all here. Let us, then, understand the basis of two theories that stand out: Positive Psychology and Maslow's Theory.

Maybe you've heard of the famous “Maslow's pyramid”, in which the psychologist establishes a hierarchy of needs that we can consider essential to achieve our own happiness. At the base of the pyramid would be physiological needs, such as eat and sleep; then came the need to security; a little further up, we would have the level of social needs (love, friendship, family, etc.); soon after, would come the need for success and recognition.

Finally, at the top of the pyramid we find the personal fulfillment, involving concepts such as creativity and self-acceptance. To reach the full state of happiness, then, it would be necessary to reach the top of this pyramid, having satisfied all previous needs.

But the theory that currently stands out is that of Positive Psychology, for which full happiness depends on 5 elements: positive emotions, engagement, positive relationships, life purpose and achievement. For this theory, everyone can achieve happiness and tools are offered to reach full individual satisfaction, with each one tracing their own path to happiness.

for philosophers

Since antiquity, the concept of happiness has been studied in different aspects of philosophy. At that time, Greek and Roman thinkers understood happiness differently than they do today. For them, it was a more objective search in which it was necessary to incorporate values ​​into their lives so that they could be happy.

Let's see, for example, what happiness was like for Socrates. The philosopher broke with the old idea that happiness would be related to the satisfaction of physical needs. For him, being happy depended on having a just and virtuous conduct. Therefore, to achieve happiness it would be necessary to do good.

What is happiness and how to achieve it?
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Among the many disciples of Socrates, an important philosopher stood out and continued his master's thinking on the subject. We are talking about Plato. Happiness for Plato was also based on the assumption of doing good in order to achieve it. His vision, however, went beyond the private sphere. The philosopher understood that it was the duty of the State to provide good and happiness to its people.

Happiness was also the focus of study in the Modern Age, through philosophers such as John Locke, who defined happiness as a lasting pleasure, and Immanuel Kant, for whom happiness would be a rational condition of those who had all their desires fulfilled. Later, and in opposition to this idea, Bertrand Russell defined that, in order to be happy, it would be necessary to eliminate egocentrism.

How does happiness happen in the body?

In addition to the subjective studies, the scientists also found four hormones that are responsible for happiness: dopamine, serotonin, endorphin and oxytocin. These happiness hormones provide a feeling of well-being when they are emitted by the brain. When they are out of balance, they can result in bad mood, stress and insomnia, related to diseases such as depression.

Dopamine is responsible for functions such as endocrine, motor control, cognition, mood and pleasure. It is linked to our motivation to accomplish a goal and receive a reward for doing so.

Directly related to emotional, serotonin is released when we eat something delicious or have sex, for example. Some specific foods can help with this release, such as eggs, nuts, cocoa and cheese.

Endorphin provides comfort with its analgesic action, responsible for reducing muscle and joint pain. Through the practice of physical exercises it is possible to release this substance.

Oxytocin is released when we are around people we like, in addition to possibly being linked to libido enhancement.

About being happy now

Our current economic system takes care of encouraging unbridled consumption as a common practice. But are happiness and consumerism related? We often consume to affirm a status quo, to confirm our identity in a group or even to alleviate a moment of crisis, when we are sad, anxious or feel something is missing.

What is happiness and how to achieve it?
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But this consumerism does not necessarily lead to happiness. It serves more to cover a hole momentarily. Science itself has already claimed that money does not bring happiness, so neither does consuming in excess.

Of course, we are talking in general here. After all, in our society it is only through money that we get the basics for physical well-being, for example, food or a minimally safe house. Thus, money in itself does not bring happiness, but it can be confused with it insofar as it appears as a means to satisfy basic and individual needs.

How to achieve happiness?

Reaching full happiness is something very individual, but we can think of some basic aspects that can help anyone to reach that state of permanent well-being. Whatever the form, full happiness is only experienced in the here and now. It should not, therefore, be a future goal, but lived in the present.

Among the different ways to be happy, there are 5 pillars of happiness that can help you to see if happiness has been present in your life and how to improve it through them:

  1. Harmony with each other: it is not necessary to love all people, but getting along well with them, whether in the family, at work, among friends or strangers, is important for maintaining well-being. After all, staying too much can only lead to negative effects, such as a higher risk of suicide.
  2. Have a job: A lot is only achieved through work. No wonder unemployment can be a factor in triggering or worsening depression, for example. So working with something that gives you well-being and gives you access to what you need is a good reason to be happy.
  3. Hobbies: Of course life is not just about working! It is important to do unpaid activities too, just for the pleasure of doing them. Cooking, drawing, taking care of plants, playing a sport and dancing are some examples.
  4. Leisure moments: having fun, alone or with others, is also essential! Enjoy the weekend with the family, take a trip with friends, plan a special day with your love, do a pleasant reading in your spare time… Whatever it is, have fun.
  5. Spirituality: make no mistake, it's not about having a religion. Spirituality can be found in other ways, being one of the main responsible for the feeling of well-being in happy people.

What is happiness to you?

We gave some tips to be happier, but remember that the meaning of happiness is subjective. What makes you happy may not make someone else happy and vice versa. Thus, it is important to think about what makes you happy and review your daily life to understand how much happiness has been present in your here and now.

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If you feel that you are not happy, it is possible to understand what you have been missing and look for ways, in addition to those mentioned, to increase your levels of happiness. For this, self-knowledge is essential. After all, that maxim that no one knows you better than yourself is true. So, stop and think: what makes you happy today? Looking inside yourself is the first step in understanding what happiness is for you. From there, you are able to reach your own fullness of well-being.

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