Meditation - Practices - Immunity and Health

What is meditation in a few lines? It is a practice or technique that, when performed, allows a state of relaxation, calm, serenity, self-knowledge and even healing. Using simple techniques and postures, a few minutes and a real decision. This can be transformative, it brings benefits to life. Try it.

In times of pandemic, quarantine and isolation, it is clear and evident that we all need easy practices with results for our daily lives. I think that today we all need meditation, this practice in our lives.

With meditation we can achieve a greater degree of serenity, tranquility on stressful days, maintain good expectations and positivity and even increase immunity.

Look for a trusted instructor, start this practice and be part of a world of infinite possibilities and achievements of a happy and complete life. The life you really deserve.

For starters, make the decision, even in doubt, don't sabotage yourself by "prejudice to the unknown". Contact me and join the guided meditation group, open to all and free, or someone else who can be your guide at the beginning, or if you have already tried it, restart differently this time. After choosing your "teacher" guide, take time to practice, be disciplined for a minimum time, describe goals and purposes and follow firm, with solid foundation, conscious postures, heart and mind aligned and calm. Meditate until this practice is your daily fuel, to live lighter and more peacefully in the world around us and under any circumstances.

The origin of meditation and mind work as an instrument of transformation and quality of life

There is no exact and determining place and period, what we know is that meditation is a very old technique and practice, dating back millennia, and was used, like crystals, as a tool for care, transformation and healing.

Its use can be directed to assist in processes of personal transformation and transition, palliative care and healing. Meditation is being improved and used now not only in the East, but in the West. And with the difficulties and challenges faced by everyone, in times of a pandemic, she has been increasingly known and sought after.

Meditation - Practices - Immunity and Health
Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

We can point out other reasons for this growing appreciation of the practice, it can be used as a preventive and improvement of well-being and immunity or treatment without risks if administered by a professional, elements extracted from the perception of nature, without adding artificial elements, teachings brought by the treatment which encourages a change in habits and consequently a lighter life, in addition to other reasons mentioned later.

Social habits of modern society harmful and harmful to a healthy mind

We could describe a long list of these bad habits, but we are going to emphasize just a few, with the intention that you check if these habits bring you comfort or dissatisfaction and imbalance. And in this positive moment, reflect on your experience and β€œacceptance” with this challenging period.

  • Many hours of work and few of relaxation and contact with yourself;
  • Desire for control and possession;
  • Constant search for recognition, approval and consumerism;
  • Social or economic power disputes;
  • Food with preservatives and sausages, with irregular schedules;
  • Comparisons and numbers that rank people on social networks;
  • Prejudices and judgments based on differences;
  • Excesses and vices;
  • Excessive physical fatigue and troubled mind;
  • Isolation, sadness, anxiety and fear.

"What consumes your mind controls your life." β€”Ziglar, Zig

Mind care with meditation comes to free us from these habits and parameters, bringing peace and tranquility, often thought impossible.

Meditation as a treatment

It happens in several stages, at first I would say that making a decision, setting aside time for self-care. This is already the first step towards transformation, treatment and cure for the most diverse types of ills and difficulties.

This tool, meditation, is simple, easy to access, low in resources. Available and possible to anyone and everyone.

Children can perform the practice and gain more attention, creativity and discipline.

Meditation - Practices - Immunity and Health
Ketut Subiyanto / Pexels

Young people and adults more self-knowledge, decision-making power, balance, strengthening immunity and healthier lifestyle.

Elderly and recovering and convalescent of health, patience, acceptance and awareness of earthly inconstancy and temporality.

This practice can be administered individually, in groups, schools, clubs, events, companies, among other situations.

And I would go further in stating that humanity has never needed so much to know and practice meditation as a healing process, in the broadest and most transformative sense.

I warn you, who have already come this far, to realize what is happening and your thoughts, feeling of desire and call to this practice or skepticism without opportunity for testing.

The mind is worked on, strengthened and enlarged with meditation. Thoughts are observed, cared for, sorted, recognized and detoxified with this practice. And if you don't take the necessary care with your own thinking and mind, it can be your worst "block" to access to the new.

"The peace comes from inside yourself. Do not look for it around you.” β€” Buddha

Achievements with the practice of meditation

With the exercise and practice of meditation you will have access to countless new experiences and sensations, which may even be difficult to describe in words.

But when accessed and recognized, they will become present and necessary in your entire new lifestyle.

Some benefits that you may have already heard about this exercise, but that I allow myself to bring up again:

  1. Tranquility, peace and patience;
  2. Balance between body, mind and spirit;
  3. Presence in the present;
  4. Physical energy and strengthened immunity;
  5. Self-acceptance and differences;
  6. Awareness of the physical limitation and infinity of the soul;
  7. Feeling of belonging of the whole in us and of us in the whole;
  8. Better recovery and control of physical and psychological illnesses;
  9. Better experience in relationships;
  10. Among others.
  • 11 tips for a better life
  • 10 plants to ensure a peaceful sleep
  • Try the 15 teas that can renew your health
  • Turn meditation into a habit with precious tips
  • Update your wishes for 2021 amid the Covid-19 pandemic

β€œThe man who acquires the ability to take complete possession of his own mind, can take possession of whatever he is entitled to.” β€” Carnegie, Andrew

If you want to be part of a free guided meditation group every Thursday at 19:30 pm, just join the WhatsApp group. I warmly welcome you.

Bibliographic references:

β€’ BRIGANTI, R. Carlos. Psychosomatics between good and evil. Ed. Summus. 1999

β€’ CHOPRA, Dr. Deepak. Health Connection. Ed. Best Seller. 1987.

β€’ JOHARI, Harish. Chakras. Ed. Pensamento. 2010.

β€’ LEADBEATER, CW The Chakras. Ed Thought. 2009

β€’ S Siegel, MD Bernie. Amor, medicina e milagres. Ed. Best seller. 2000

β€’ SADHGURU. Interior Engineering. A yogi's guide to joy. Ed. Academy. 2019

β€’ SIVANANDA. Swami. The power of thought through YOGA. Ed. Thought. 2018

β€’ TITMUSS, Christopher. Healing by Meditation. Ed. Thought – Cultrix. 2015.

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