Matcha Tapioca: different, tasty and healthy

    You probably put matcha in teas, right? Well, know that there are other preparations that can take this ingredient, and among the many possible recipes to include matchá, tapioca is one of them.

    In fact, matcha tapioca is a great snack option for those on a diet, or for people who are simply looking to eat healthy. It's really very practical – the preparation is easy and you can taste your dish after 10 or 15 minutes.

    But it doesn't stop there, because the benefits of this recipe go far beyond the fact that it's quick, practical and, yes, delicious. Matcha is thermogenic, therefore, it accelerates metabolism and, consequently, increases caloric loss.

    Matcha, which is actually a type of plant like green tea, is sold in powder form and is well known in the “fit” world for being a fat burner, that is, it burns fat and is natural.

    Of course, no magic happens – it’s no use eating hamburgers and fries and then consuming matcha and thinking you won’t get fat, after all, you would have to consume a lot of matcha, in addition to exercising, to burn the calories you gained with this fast. food. But matcha really helps with caloric loss.

    It is also a great energy drink, so when consumed in the morning, it can help you have more mood and energy for the rest of your day. Matcha tapioca, specifically, can be a great breakfast or pre-workout, precisely because it gives energy. It is also an antioxidant (more so than green tea, even).

    As you observed, matcha can be a great ally in the weight loss process or in maintaining a healthy body. So, let's learn how to insert it into the diet? The following is a sweet and savory tapioca recipe. Of course, you can adapt the fillings to whatever you want, but remember that this part of the recipe directly influences the amount of calories you will ingest, as well as the quality of this preparation, ok?

    Matcha Tapioca: different, tasty and healthy

    Twelve Matcha Tapioca Recipe


    – 1 kg of sweet flour

    – 350 ml of concentrated matcha cha

    – 20 g of honey

    - Half mashed banana


    Knead the sprinkle with the tea until it doesn't crumble. Place the dough in a frying pan and leave it on low heat for a few minutes – be careful not to let it burn. As matcha already has a slightly bitter taste, if it burns the bitterness it can get worse.

    Melt the chocolates and place it, along with the strawberries, in the tapioca. Is ready!

    Matcha Tapioca Salad Recipe


    – 1 kg of salted flour

    – 350 ml of concentrated matcha cha

    – 5 tablespoons of light cream cheese

    – White cheese to taste


    It follows the same line as the sweet tapioca, the only difference is that you will change the filling.
    With easy and practical recipes like this, it's easier to maintain a healthy and balanced diet, isn't it? Now just enjoy. Enjoy your food!

    Text written by Giovanna Frugis from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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