Massage therapy: relaxation and well-being

Hard to meet someone who doesn't like massage. The vast majority like to receive a good massage. This is how the massage therapist works, that is, applying massage therapy.

Massage therapy applies relaxing massages that stimulate well-being and has a therapeutic purpose, even contributing to anti-stress. The massage is done manually. Patients can feel heat, cold and even vibrations.

Massage therapy is a more modern term created by professionals in this area around 1980. Unlike massage that already existed 2.800 before Jesus Christ by ancient civilizations such as the Chinese and Japanese. The difference between massage and massage therapy is that the latter uses several techniques, while the masseuse uses only one.

How it works?

Massage therapy: relaxation and well-being

It is considered an ancestral therapy that aims to relieve pain and provide a sense of well-being, combined with tranquility. It is carried out by trained professionals. It acts directly on the body, with the help of the hands, whether or not oil is used.

Acting on the skin, it helps to regenerate dead tissues, allowing for greater liveliness and elasticity. That is, it not only helps to reduce tensions, prevent, relieve, but also helps in the aesthetic issue, leaving the skin more beautiful. Some massages work with localized fat and cellulite.

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Types of massage therapy

There are several types of massage therapy. Meet some:

Ayurvedic: is an Indian massage created over six thousand years ago in India. It is a holistic massage that promotes balance between mind and body. Most of the time it is done on the floor with tatami.

Shiatsu: originates from traditional Chinese medicine. This works with the pressure of the fingers on top of the body's energy channels (meridians). Highly recommended for those who have back problems, stress and even insomnia. It can be said that it is a mixture of Chinese acupuncture with pressure on the muscles.

Classic therapeutic massage: one of the most classic massages to calm the body and mind. Massage is performed through massage at specific points promoting deep relaxation and consequently reducing back pain.

Massage therapy: relaxation and well-being

draining detox: This massage helps to detoxify the body by reducing swelling and helping with metabolic functions. Massage is done manually with the help of specific creams to help β€œdrain” the body. This massage helps fight sagging, detoxifies and helps to reduce edema.

sporty: it is a massage indicated for those who practice a physical activity. This massage acts on the back of the athlete or amateur. It is mainly indicated to prevent injuries.

Hot rocks: a relaxing massage that relieves tension and gives a feeling of pleasure. This massage even helps fight hyperactivity.

benefits of massage therapy

  • Helps relieve pain;
  • Decreases stress;
  • Increases flexibility;
  • Reduction of chronic pain;
  • Provides a feeling of well-being;
  • Stimulates blood circulation;
  • Helps control muscle pain;
  • Lowering blood pressure;
  • Strengthens the immune system.
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