Make a dream map and plan your next steps

What is a map? It's a drawing that shows you a terrain seen from above, so you can locate yourself and know where and how to go. That's why maps are so important, but not just for getting around in physical places. Maps can also be useful to help organize your life.

There are basically two ways for you to lead your life: leading the way you want to go or being led without having control of where you go. What defines which of these forms is living is a basic question that you must know how to answer: what do you really want?

This question can also be asked in another way: “What is your dream?”. This question is one of the most important of all, because, without knowing what you want, you will have your life led by others and will do the will of other people. On the other hand, once you know what your dreams are and believe in your potential to realize them, you take back control of your destiny and can direct it wherever you want.

Knowing this, reflect on what you really want for yourself. Discover your dreams. It can be a difficult task as there are moral, social, family issues and the bills at the end of the month that can keep you from believing and accepting what is coming from your heart. But don't give up! If you need help, look for a method of self-knowledge to help you discover your true desires.

After this reflection, we return to the idea of ​​the map!

Make a dream map and plan your next steps
Photo by Mark Fletcher-Brown according to Unsplash

If the map helps us find the right direction, and if you already know what your dreams are, now you can create a map to keep your mind focused on achieving them. This idea of ​​mind maps (or mind mapping in English) is usually used in the corporate environment to keep the focus of what is important in the numerous meetings that the managers of a company go through. And, having proven the efficiency of this method, we recognize that it can be used for other areas of life, in addition to work. And, above all, to map your dreams.

Take a large sheet of paper and divide it into four parts — or do it on the computer if you find it easier. At the top of each part, write a title for each part: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Now you will write down your dreams and goals according to each of the areas of your life.

In the “physical” part, you should ask questions related to everything material, such as health (you can put physical exercises, start playing a new sport, healthy eating) and money. This is an important part of your dreams, because if you don't take care of your health and don't have money at your disposal, it's difficult to accomplish something bigger in your life.

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In the “emotional” part, ask questions related to relationships, whether loving, with friends, family, co-workers, meeting new people, and also set goals related to pleasure, activities that make you feel emotionally well.

In the “mental” part, put goals that are linked to studies and your intellectual growth. Everything connected with learning should be placed in this quadrant.

And finally, in the “spiritual” part you must put your dreams. Put everything that inspires you the most and you want to do as the greatest accomplishment of your life. The word spiritual is not necessarily linked to religion, but it is linked to the manifestation of your truths, of what you feel in your heart that is your path. 

Make a dream map and plan your next steps
Photo by Trent Szmolnik on Unsplash

You don't necessarily need to fill in all four quadrants. You can do this little by little. The important thing is to put this map in a place where you see it daily to train your mind to focus on what really matters. Gradually also notice how the goals of one quadrant directly affect those of the others. By practicing the focus and planning to accomplish each of your goals, you will see how much easier it will be to make everything harmonize and the acts of an accomplished goal contribute to the realization of others.

Use the map to stay focused and plan to make your dreams come true, and whenever you achieve a goal that is written on it, give thanks in some way. A good idea is to help someone accomplish a goal of theirs. It's one of the best ways to show gratitude to your universe and still see other people's dreams come true.

After drawing your map, tell us about other habits you have to help you make your dreams come true. Share ideas with other readers here in the comments and together everyone can help us make dreams increasingly come true for all of us.

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