Make your own dehydrated fruit

Dehydrated type fruits have many advantages and benefits when compared to fresh fruits, ranging from portability to durability. If you are also in a daily battle with the scales, why not invest in the consumption of dehydrated fruits, but of course, in moderation?

In general, dehydrated fruits contain much more fiber than natural ones. And it is exactly these fibers that help the digestive system to function without any kind of problem, in addition to providing that feeling of pleasure and satisfaction in meals, helping to prevent heart disease, preventing obesity and some types of cancer, among other benefits.

Make your own dehydrated fruitBut what is a dehydrated fruit? Well, for those who don't know, the process of dehydrating a fruit is the same as when we remove all the water that is in the food so that it stays dry. Among the most common dried or dehydrated fruits on the market, we can mention apricots, figs, plums and raisins. However, we also find bananas, mangoes, apples and pineapples.

One of the great benefits of consuming a dehydrated fruit is that in this state, it can be preserved for much longer and still has its weight reduced. For those who do not give up enjoying a portion of dehydrated fruit, it is worth checking here how to carry out the process at home.

using the oven

The first step in the dehydration process of a fruit consists of choose the one you like best. After you choose the fruit you want to dehydrate, wash the food without haste, remove the skin and seeds, and cut it into thin, very small slices. This care is important, because the smaller the piece of fruit, the faster it dries and the better its quality.

Then, arrange the fruit on the baking sheet. However, it is essential to cover the container with a good quality paper towel, the kind that will not tear easily. After that, place the fruit pieces in the form. Make sure each piece is arranged and don't let any of the pieces touch the other.

The third step is turn the oven on very low heat. Make sure it is completely clean before turning it on. Leave the temperature of the fire around 50º C, so that the fruit is not roasted, but loses the amount of water that is present in its composition. Be patient. The process to dehydrate a fruit can take hours. Don't be tempted to turn up the heat to speed up this process. The fourth phase is perhaps the most important, as it is the right time to turn off the fire.

First, you should check the condition of the fruit. If the slices are looking much drier and have lost enough water, it's time to turn off the heat. However, if they appear to be watery or crunchy, they are not quite ready yet, and you will need to leave them on the fire for a little longer. When the fruits are finally dehydrated, place them in a container or a box with a lid and store them in the fridge.

Make your own dehydrated fruit

Using the microwave

There is even a second method for dehydrating fruit that can be done in the microwave. To do this, you must first perform a cleaning. Make sure the fruit is peeled, washed and seeded. Then cut it into small pieces or slices.

The second step of the process refers to the preparation of the solution. Dilute a lemon in water, putting a tablespoon of lemon in each cup of water. Dip the chosen pieces of fruit into this solution. Then make sure the microwave is also clean. If not, use water and detergent to remove any residue or dirt.

After this care, it's time to take the fruits to the device. Evenly distribute the slices, making sure that one piece does not touch the other. Put the appliance in defrost mode, process that should take about thirty minutes. But, during this procedure, pause the appliance for a few times and turn the fruit. Pay close attention to checking which pieces have dried and which are still damp.

As the pieces dry, place them in a box, pot, or any container that has protection. Store them in the fridge and consume them within two weeks.

Text written by Flávia Faria from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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