Magical Ho'oponopono: Learn How It Can Change Your Life

Ho'oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian wisdom technique for transforming and releasing the mind from negative memories, hurts and limiting beliefs, so that healing and inner peace can be achieved. It was developed by kahuna lapa'au (curator) Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona (1913-1992). The expression itself means "to correct a mistake" or "to make right".

The technique, also called meditation, became known from the experience of teacher and therapist Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, who achieved excellent results in a ward for criminals with mental illness, in a psychiatric hospital in Hawaii – without interacting with any of them, just applying them with the use of medical records –, confirming her power as truly transformative, to make healthier and more balanced life.

In this sense, in addition to turning to the marks of the past, which may reflect negatively on the present, the technique can act to create future opportunities. It's called Magic Ho'oponopono, which you know next. Read on and discover how to promote change and evolve!

Como funciona o Hooponopono?

The technique, which some call prayer or mantra, is easy to learn and relatively simple. It can be practiced with repetition aloud or just with the mentalization of a few words, the best known being "I'm sorry", "Forgive me", "I love you" and "I am grateful". With this, it is possible to purify the bad memories of any time.

So when we think “I'm sorry”, there is regret, we recognize that something unwanted is in our body or our mind. “Forgive me” is a way of asking for forgiveness for having allowed an unwanted memory to linger, even unconsciously. And if it refers to someone, it also covers forgiving them. By mentalizing "I love you", we promote the change of blocked and negative energy into light and kindness to ourselves. In the case of “I am grateful”, the phrase is an expression of gratitude for having received the opportunity to learn and also a declaration of faith in the solution of what we want or what will come, ending a cycle and opening us to another.

In addition, from childhood we receive the influence of our family members and our social circles on some concepts about life, relationships, material goods, people, religion, which are stored in our unconscious as beliefs. Some, however, end up limiting us and disconnecting us from physical, financial, relational health, inner peace and the joy of living.

Magical Ho'oponopono: Learn How It Can Change Your Life
Pixabay / Pexels

Ho'oponopono heals the mental obstacles that are known as limiting beliefs, by connecting with the creative force from which all human beings originate. It allows us to access the divine connection through vibration in the powerful waves of energy that Quantum Physics explains so well and equally makes us co-creators and protagonists of the reality that we influence by our thoughts and feelings.

Likewise, with Ho'oponopono it is possible to understand that our attitude and our decision on how to deal with something that has happened matter more than specifically the fact itself. With the practice of the technique, there is a “correction” (renewal) of the cellular memories that kept pains, temerities and worries. Soon the uncomfortable memories and sensations give way to self-forgiveness, self-esteem and gratitude.

In this way, we become proactive, responsible and independent in our actions, we leave the victimist position, we increase our personal power, we become more powerful in the face of life, mainly because we do not accept negative memories and because we obtain emotional balance and openness to new insights. We reach another level of maturity and evolution, we deconstruct the passive posture and understand ourselves as part of the whole reality that happens to us and the influence we exert on it.

In addition to clearing bad thoughts and limiting beliefs, the technique expands awareness to perceive new paths and understand that our essence is fullness and the pursuit of happiness. As Beth Russo, personal transformation coach, trained in Ericksonian Hypnosis, dedicated to the studies of Quantum Mechanics and teaches Magical Ho'oponopono, says, we are all “little gods” and “goddesses”, we have part of the Creator within us, in our nature.

How to do Magic Ho'oponopono?

Ho'oponopono can be used to eliminate anxiety, fear, and to attract a desired outcome or goal, including financial prosperity. When we apply this technique of repeating a "mantra" or the words that give rise to our desires, we allow limiting beliefs to surface and be modified. In this way, we bless the opportunity to transform or dispense with our cellular memories. When we practice with a goal in mind, we channel energy towards achieving it.

Beth Russo, for example, created the mantra “Life, surprise me”, and with that phrase, thousands of people practicing Ho'oponopono, as if by magic, declared to have achieved even more than the desired goal.

Magical Ho'oponopono: Learn How It Can Change Your Life
Eternal Happiness / Pexels

To do Magical Ho'oponopono, each one must repeat (speaking or mentalizing) a phrase that is related to what they want. You can adopt the mantra above or even: "Blessed money, I'm sorry, forgive me, I love you, I'm grateful". Furthermore, when the phrase is repeated 108 times, this sacred number accelerates and potentiates the action of the technique. Watch Beth Russo's video. It is common to use the japamala (cord used for meditation) with this amount of beads to guide the counting.

In addition, this Magical Ho'oponopono can also be directed to other situations, for which we expect abundance, prosperity, understanding and healing. You can create your phrase related to love, health, family, work, relationships and others. The important thing is to focus on your objective and include the four main phrases. The repetition of the phrases "I'm sorry", "Forgive me", "I love you" and "I'm grateful" allows us to enter a vibration of regret and forgiveness for the bad relationship with something, at the same time that we bless, thank and open up to other experiences, connecting us to the abundance of existence. The 108 repetitions allow you to reach the frequency of creation of the expected reality.

How to use japamala to count 108 times in Ho'oponopono?

Currently there are applications with japamala to guide the repetition count in Ho'oponopono Magico. However, it can be purchased at stores selling religious or Indian products, for example. This string with 108 beads must be held in the right hand, straight between the thumb and the other fingers, except for the index finger (it represents the ego and must be left out in the use of the technique).

Thus, for each completed repetition, one bead is shifted towards the practitioner, downwards with the thumb. The largest bead (meru) is not used in repetition. It only guides the direction to be followed, as well as the beginning and end of the count. Each bead represents a repetition. When finished, if you want to restart, start over from the end, turning the japamala. Don't go over the meru. It shouldn't be told, it's just a reference.

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  • Influence mind-created reality with Ho'oponopono
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After finishing Magic Ho'oponopono, if you used the japamala, keep it in a safe and reserved place. From time to time, energize this sacred object, holding it in your left hand and circling a lit incense of your choice (sandalwood is a good option) with your right hand, mentalizing purification, power and protection.

Finally, we realized that Ho'oponopono allows the cleaning of bad cellular memories recorded in the unconscious and that influence our behaviors. It allows one to overcome the blocks that these memories impose. Thus, it is possible to free yourself from the symptoms of suffering, pain and stagnation.

Magic Ho'oponopono can be practiced by anyone as it is quite simple, requiring only dedication and the repetition of words associated with a goal 108 times. Through this Hawaiian technique of transmutation, we can create a deep frequency of regret, forgiveness, love and gratitude to connect with the abundance of life, rescuing our essence and our divine connection. Try it! Incorporate the practice and experience magical results.

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