The Practice of Forgiveness

    Connected with the understanding that comes from the heart, today I invite you to continue to know “A Course in Miracles”. The course, as we saw in the previous post, it is a path of recognition and reconnection with the loving mind that we have, but that we do not always access. It is important to note that the Course is not linked to any religion and is not a religion. He is a spiritual path, a philosophy of Life that helps us to be happier and connected with Peace.

    The Practice of ForgivenessACIM teaches that everything we see and experience originates in our minds. The ego, in this context, is a mind that contains a delusional thought system. Ego thoughts are based on separation, fear, scarcity, the paradigm of individual identities and interests. These thoughts give rise to a world of suffering, deprivation, inequality and wars. The Course then offers the solution to all the chaos that the ego world engenders: the forgiveness.

    The process of forgiving is the process of undoing the ego. The undoing takes place when we are able to look at all our ego thoughts, through the Spiritual Mindset, and recognize them for what they are: ILLUSIONS that have never altered the Truth about Who We Are. We are Children of the Eternal Divine Light.

    The Spiritual Vision, which is guided by loving thoughts, recognizes that we all have the same interests and share the same Identity. Our shared interest is to heal – forgive – our minds sickened by the ego system. Through this healing, we will finally remember who we are: One Loving, Luminous, Spiritual Being.

    As a practice suggestion, I share with you one of the lessons of “A Course in Miracles”. I recommend that you read it calmly, breathing slowly and comfortably, I also recommend that you repeat reading the lesson every time today you feel tempted to make a bad judgment about someone, some situation or yourself!

    “LESS 243. TODAY, I WILL NOT JUDGE ANYTHING THAT HAPPENS. I will be honest with myself today. I won't think I already know what has to remain beyond my present understanding. I will not think that I understand the whole from fragments of my perception, which are all I can see. Today, I recognize that this is so. And in this way I am freed from judgments I cannot make. Thus, I release myself and what I behold to be at peace, as God created us. Father, today I will set creation free to be what it is. I honor all its parts, in which I am included. We are one because each part contains His memory and the truth must shine in all of us as one.” – Workbook, ACIM.


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