Live cooking: how to learn to cook with live food?

    Food occupies an important place in our health. With the days running, it is difficult to create a balanced menu with good nutritious compositions. Thus, many people have resorted to ready meals, which are quick and practical, but they do not realize the danger they pose to health.

    The big excuse for not cooking is lack of time. And when it comes to eating healthier, the excuses are even bigger. Also because another justification is the price of healthy foods, as they are more expensive than canned foods. But remember, in the long run, that price is paid with good health.

    Live cooking: how to learn to cook with live food?

    Live cooking: what is it?

    A live food is one based on nutrients that come from a good cultivation, unlike transgenic foods, for example. It is defined as a diet in which there is no presence of meat, eggs and milk, flour, sugar and other components.

    It is mainly known for raw food, which prioritizes the consumption of organic foods. What is taken into account in this choice are the foods that are offered by mother nature, and not bought in cans, since this can be considered a more “dead” food.

    listen to your body

    Living cuisine also prioritizes the consumption of grains, seeds and roots. If you want to put it into practice, it is recommended not to be radical. Start listening to your body after you eat something. How do you feel after eating canned food? Doesn't it make you lazy? And when you drink a green juice? Don't feel a mood? These are small details that we need to learn to observe.

    Start by eating more fruit. Go to the natural products store, buy seeds, grains and teas and add them to your menu, but do it slowly. This needs to be a knowledge phase. And listen to your body's signals, how it feels after each meal, this is the best way to know if your food is good or not.

    Check out an example of a live cooking recipe that you can make!


    • Ingredients: 
      • 2 apples, seeded, in pieces. 
      • A handful of raw vegetables and roots like carrots, cucumbers, squash, zucchini, turnips, yams, okra, cauliflower, ginger (for a spicy twist).
      • A handful of edible leafy greens such as kale, chicory, mint, chicory, arugula, watercress.
      • A handful of germinated sunflower seeds (see the video below on how to germinate).


      First, place the apples in the centrifuge. Add the sprouted grains, then the leaves, vegetables and root. Drink immediately. Note: prefer organic and always vary the ingredients. The apple is equivalent to the water in the juice and must be the constant element. If you want, you can add other fruits, except melon and watermelon. Do not add water and adjust the flavor to taste; the apple accentuates the sweetness; dark leaves, the bitter. 

    Text written by Angélica Fabiane Weise from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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