Lessons I learned from nature

    I like to observe nature and understand each process of it compared to our attitudes. Whenever I look at her with that look, I think that we are children generated by a mother who is silently teaching us all the time and guiding us to the world and to our actions in life.

    Looking closely at nature teaches us so much that, most of the time, we don't need to think and rethink how to deal with a given situation, as mother nature's advice is freely given daily to anyone who wants to listen.

    Lessons I learned from nature

    And do you know how we listen? Stopping, looking and being part of it all.

    She is always responding with the greatest generosity and touching our hearts.

    Have you ever seen a whole dry plant in a pot? Looks like she's given up on life. It seems that nothing else can come from there. But suddenly, with supernatural force, she regenerates, transforms and gives life to a bud of hope, showing us that all is not lost. What seems to be dry and lifeless can reappear with full force and still produce a beautiful flower from the accumulation of energies over all this time, proving that yes we are capable of reforming even under many trials and difficulties.

    Or through the free love of a pet that, many times, after being scolded for having done something wrong or having experienced an outburst of fury from someone close by, manages to sublimate and develop free love without any resentment.

    Lessons I learned from nature

    The energetic power of the rain when it comes in those storms, with lightning and thunder, proving that even nature, when it doesn't handle it, puts the emotions out, showing that the sequence is always calm.

    It also has the strength of fire that destroys and, at the end of it all, there is always something underneath ready to rebuild itself and bring life to where the fire seems to have taken it.

    There are many other examples of the possibilities to learn by taking lessons from the attitudes of nature, but, in addition to these, one of the most striking lessons is that in nature everything is cyclical, having a birth, a development, a peak and an end. And this end is always necessary and should not be something to generate suffering, but the understanding that this is the path of our lives and that we leave marks in the world. Like a beautiful flower or a beautiful leafy tree or birds that sing and enchant, we should think about what kind of legacy we want to leave and how this will add to those who watch your story.

    And, with this reflection, I invite you to observe and feel what nature can also offer and teach you during your journey. Is she or isn't she quite a teacher?

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