The Essence of Well-Being

    Every day we hear more about the importance of well-being.

    Be well! Eat well! Live well! Do good! Good is the strength and essence for the conquest of a lighter and happier life.

    For some things, there is a recipe and a diet. For others, you need to develop certain habits and work towards their discovery.

    For body well-being, you can seek a nutritionist.

    For body wellness, you can turn to the doctor and physical education professionals, both will give you the right sequence to keep your body up to date.

    For, be okay with your mind, you can count on a series of therapies, professionals such as psychologists and therapists, and activities that work the insertion of positivity. Together, they will help you understand your self and get along better with yourself.


    But what's missing?

    Maybe we are boycotting something in our lives. We put aside something that is really important to us, to fulfill so many other responsibilities of our daily lives, we run away from the fear and insecurity that we often pretend not to feel, but that inhabit our being, or even when we forget our true self. essence, getting lost in reality and in the avalanche of information and demands that consume us.

    The Essence of Well-Being

    We all have a mission in this life. We all have a gift, a greater utility that serves not only ourselves, but the world outside. Yea! There is a world out there. But we started to live focused on our own needs, looking exclusively at our own navel. When we do not identify and fulfill this mission, we feel the feeling of lack. The feeling of incompleteness. Charity is lacking! No need to look around!

    Search in the most intimate of your essence and your soul your true dreams and desires of life. Probe yourself with the intimacy that only you have with you. Dig deep and travel through your childhood to remember the little things you liked that brought you happiness. Remember your life, every step taken, overcome and immortalized you took.




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