Lemon in addition to lemonade

Everyone already knows that lemon is a delicious fruit for consumption, especially in juices, sweets and seasonings, but did you know that it can be used to remove stains, eliminate odors, maintain the color of food and much more?

That's right, from the peel to the pomace, there are many tasks that you can use lemon to help clean the whole house, including as an insecticide, here are some tips, check it out and enjoy!

eliminate odors

Foods such as fish, garlic and onions when handled leave a strong smell on the hands, in the case of fish, even in the pans. To get rid of the bad smell, just wash your hand, or the pans, with the juice of a lemon. If the bad smell is in the fridge or microwave, due to food left for a long time, just leave a glass of lemon juice inside for a few hours. For foods such as cabbage, which give off a strong smell during preparation, you can cut a few slices of lemon and add it during cooking, it does not change the taste of the cabbage at all, but does not let the smell taint the house. It is also possible to remove the bad smell of garbage and trash by adding the bark to the bag. It can be used as a natural flavoring or to remove the smell of grease from the house, just make tea with the bark and let it cool in the environment where you want to perfume it.

Scare away ants and insects

To scare away insects such as spiders, ants and fleas, just add the juice of a lemon in a liter of water and use the mixture to clean the sink, floor, windows and baseboards, the strong smell of the fruit will drive them away.

clean toilets

Also adding the juice of a lemon in a liter of water you have a strong disinfectant for bathrooms, effective for cleaning and removing stains, even from sinks, bathtubs and toilets. Just rub the mixture well under the stains, let it sit for a few minutes and rinse.

White, stain-free clothes

Lemon in addition to lemonadeAdding just ½ cup of lemon juice to your washing machine will make your clothes as white as ever, or you can use lemon to remove mildew, sweat, wine and grease stains from your clothes or fabrics, just put the stained garment on. soak and apply a mixture of lemon and salt under the stain and rub well. If you just want to flavor it, just add 1 tablespoon of the juice.

Keep the shine on stainless steel parts

To clean stains from your stainless steel utensils, cut the lemon in half, pass the salt and rub under the stain, then rinse with running water.

Cleaning windows and mirrors

Add the juice of ½ lemon in a basin with water and with the help of a sponge rub it on glass and mirrors in circular motions. Finish by wiping the area with a dry cloth.

preserve food

Some fruits and vegetables after cut turn dark when stored in the fridge, to prevent this from happening squeeze a little lemon under the cut surface before storing, this will preserve food for longer. The lemon peel also prevents the brown sugar from hardening after opening, just add it to the same hermetically sealed container, it is important to change the peel when it is dry.

Make rice softer

There are two ways: you can add cold water with lemon juice to the rice when it is drying, or use the fruit with salt when washing the rice.

Relief from pain and discomfort

Lemon can be a holy remedy to fight a sore throat, hangover or stomach discomfort. For sore throat, it is recommended to gargle – squeeze ½ lemon in a glass of warm water. To eliminate the discomfort caused by the hangover, you can make this mixture of lemon with water or even have a tea of ​​the fruit, it helps to rehydrate and recover the body's Ph. For stomach discomfort, squeeze the lemon in a glass of water to drink at once, this helps to relieve the feeling of discomfort and pain after eating very heavy or fatty foods.

Finally, it is important to point out that whenever you use lemon you should wash your hands well, because in contact with the sun it can stain the skin.

  • Written by Carolina Peixoto from Team Eu Sem Fronteiras.
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