Learn how to increase the body's dopamine

Learn how to increase the body's dopamine

There are about 100 billion neurons in the human brain, which communicate through chemicals called neurotransmitters. THE dopamine, better known as the motivation molecule, is the neurotransmitter responsible for some essential functions such as movement, memory, attention and pleasure.

The increase in dopamine in the body happens when a feeling of pleasure and well-being is achieved, through sexual intercourse, consumption of tasty foods, among others. What can also stimulate the increase are immediate and fleeting sensations of pleasure such as drug consumption, gambling addiction, etc.

The absence of dopamine in the body can trigger symptoms such as lack of motivation, fatigue, problems with sleep, memory loss and several other problems that resemble depression.

It is common for people who have low dopamine levels to seek a form of compensation through self-destructive practices such as drug use, alcohol, compulsive shopping and gambling. However, there are some natural ways to increase dopamine in the body through food, supplements, sports, meditation, etc. Check out!


Knowing that dopamine is composed of the amino acid tyrosine that comes from phenylalanine, it is possible to establish a diet for natural dopamine production.

Recommended foods:

  • Animal products
  • Nuts
  • Bean
  • Banana
  • Avocado
  • Apple
  • Watermelon
  • Green leaves
  • Beet
  • Broccoli
  • Carrot
  • Green tea
  • Oatmeal flour
  • Sesame
  • Natural yogurt

It is important to point out that foods such as coffee, sodas and fast foods are addictive, when ingesting them, dopamine receptors will increasingly demand that you consume them. So avoid!

An unhealthy diet impairs the production of dopamine, as well as making the body more vulnerable to disease.

Supplements and medicines

Before consuming them, it is important to have a conversation with a doctor so that he can indicate the best medicine or supplement for your body.

The most common supplements to increase dopamine levels in the brain are Vitamin B6 or L-Phenylalanine, found in common pharmacies.


  • Ginkgo biloba: used to treat various brain problems such as memory loss, headaches, mental confusion, etc. 
  • Curcumin: sold in supplement stores, curcumin can be used to control memory loss.
  • L-theanine: one of the components present in green tea, helps to control memory loss and helps maintain a good mood.
  • Mucuna: seed from India with aphrodisiac power, stimulates the increase of strength and muscle mass. It can also be used to improve coordination.
  • Learn how drinking coffee can make you feel better
  • Discover the impact of physical exercise on your life
  • Discover the sports that will make your mind refreshed

Physical exercises

Practice physical exercises regularly, this will guarantee you not only the increase in dopamine in the body, but also quality of life, reducing the appearance of diseases.

When exercising, the brain produces new cells that help to slow down the aging of the body and improve the flow of nutrients.


In addition to helping to increase dopamine by improving focus and concentration, meditation allows for easier learning, creativity and immediate relaxation for the body. Practicing other activities such as listening to music, sewing and photographing have the same effect as meditation.  


Activate your reward circuit. By finding something you are looking for or achieving a goal, indirectly, the body's dopamine levels are increased. Look for new challenges, collect something you like that is not so easy to find, cook a new dish with different ingredients, learn to work in a program you don't know. Challenge yourself, don't settle!

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