Discover how you no longer have to work yourself to death

Use and abuse technology!
In periods when something new has already happened with every blink of our eyes, keeping track of everything that happens around us seems increasingly unlikely, right?

As a good lawyer by training, I will answer: It depends!

During my entire career in the corporate world, or even now as an entrepreneur, I usually receive compliments on how “attuned” I am, how I am aware of trends and news that are coming out.

Of course, this is not about every “world” issue! Laughs.

I believe that if I had known everything I would have been “lelé da cuca”.

However, I know that it is possible to be a very well-informed person without getting mad or sick.

Oh! And if you don't believe that "overloading" information is bad, then look for a video of mine on YouTube called: "FoMO - Fear of Missing Out", or even Google it.

You will find that over 75% of adult individuals in the UK have had some sort of ailment because of it. In addition, there is a program at the Hospital das ClĂ­nicas of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of SĂŁo Paulo called: Technological Dependencies Program.

The most important point to be a well-informed person is use technology to my advantage.

And look, I classify myself in the category of people who have difficulty with this technology.

I'm not usually self-taught, looking at an application or computer and finding everything absolutely intuitive, but I learned to ask and research!

Discover how you no longer have to work yourself to death

So I want to leave here 2 app tips that will help you get organized, keep up with the news and much more!

My first tip is Evernote, it works like a digital notebook. You can create folders, take notes, paste images, make a chart, make a to-do list, follow up on emails, or whatever else you want!

You know what fascinates me most about Evernote?

It has a function to recognize your handwriting if you made a note by hand and put it in a note.

Sensational, right!?

A person who does very well in this theme is Gabriela España! You will find many tutorials and materials from her on how to use the app.

Just by not having to look for things in a thousand different places, I already feel a relief… And you?

Discover how you no longer have to work yourself to deathThe second application is Google News, or even Feedly for English material. There you select your interests and they filter the news FOR YOU!

Of course, doing a more superficial reading of some pages, newspapers and magazines has its value, but this way you optimize your time and stay well informed!

Did you like a news and won't be able to read it right away? No occupying your brain with it or blurring what you need to do. Include this news in Pocket and then just open and read!

These were just quick tips for you to realize that there is always an opportunity to improve, optimize or adapt the things we do in our daily lives, whether working in a large corporation or a small company.

Let's use technology to our favor?


Thais Lima.

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