Learn about the terrible harms of milk

The main food of a human being during the first six months of life is breast milk. Full of proteins, nutrients and reinforcements to the immunity of a newborn, the liquid stops being produced by the mother after some time. That means we should stop consuming it as we grow up, right?

In fact, that's not quite what happens. When we grow up, we continue to drink milk, which comes from a different source. Also, it's meant for calves, not humans, so is human consumption of cow's milk really beneficial for health? Or is this liquid a villain in our diet? Find answers to that, below!

The harms of milk

Before talking about the harmful effects of milk, it is important to mention that the facts mentioned below are related to cow's milk and not to human milk.

Learn about the terrible harms of milk
Pezibear / Pixabay / Canva

According to the World Health Organization, breastfeeding is recommended up to 2 years of age, so the ingestion of human milk by babies should never be ruled out. With this information in mind, carefully read each of the harms of cow's milk to humans, below!

1) Intestinal discomfort

In order for milk to be digested by the human body, the lactase enzyme needs to come into action. Although it is present in the body of babies, it is not present in many adult organisms. According to the 2017 article “Lactase Non-persistence and Lactose Intolerance”, about 65% of the world's population is lactose intolerant. As a consequence of this, they may experience intestinal discomfort when ingesting cow's milk, such as gas, colic and diarrhea.

2) Blackheads and pimples

One of the factors that causes the appearance of blackheads and whiteheads is a hormonal imbalance in a person's body. According to a 2007 study by the Harvard School of Public Health, cow's milk is rich in hormones that, when ingested by humans, can lead to the development of acne. In addition, the high level of insulin and amino acids in the liquid contribute to the increase in skin lesions.

3) overload two wheels

When we think of the benefits of milk, we immediately associate the drink with the calcium it presents, however the levels of this nutrient in the liquid are too high for the human body. Therefore, according to functional nutritionist Melissa Suarez, excessive consumption of milk can overload the kidneys and, as a consequence, make it difficult to absorb calcium.

But what about the benefits of drinking milk?

Despite the harm that cow's milk can present to the adult organism, there are advantages in the consumption of the drink. See what they are:

1) Strengthening the bones

Cow's milk, like other foods, is rich in calcium, however, according to Dr. Patrícia Blumer, a scientific researcher at the Food Technology Center – Food Technology Institute of the State of São Paulo, the drink has a peculiarity. Milk is not only rich in calcium, but also in lactose, protein and caseinophosphopeptides, which facilitate the absorption of this calcium by the body. In this way, the bones are strengthened.

2) Lowering blood pressure

A study carried out by Wageningen University in the Netherlands in 2014 identified that regular consumption of milk helps control blood pressure. This is because the drink reduces the tightness of blood vessels, which usually causes hypertension, so the drink and its derivatives, such as yogurt and cheese, are important for facilitating blood circulation.

3) Vitamin D absorption

Vitamin D is critical for fighting osteoporosis, so it's critical that it's properly absorbed by the human body, and cow's milk offers this benefit. By consuming a glass of milk reduced in fat and enriched with vitamin D, an adult person will be supplying almost half of the daily recommendation of the nutrient, maintaining the health of their bones.

Possible replacements

In addition to the harm that milk presents to the human body, many people are against the consumption of the drink because it is obtained from the suffering of cows, because they are treated like machines and their own health is harmed in the process of industrial extraction of the milk. milk.

In order for a cow to produce milk, it needs to be pregnant or have given birth to a calf, so the institutions that sell milk make the cows continuously pregnant, so that the production of the liquid does not stop. As if that weren't enough, the milk that was supposed to be delivered to the calves is sold.

Learn about the terrible harms of milk
DenizA/Getty Images Pro/Canva

Despite having a strong maternal instinct, the cows are separated from the calves, which will be slaughtered. When they can no longer produce as much milk, they are also slaughtered. Although this reality is still not well known by the majority of the population, the vegan movement has increasingly drawn attention to it.

As a consequence of this reality, the consumption of milk can be reduced not only by the harmful effects of the liquid on human health, but also by the cruelty involved in its production. Fortunately, there are substitutes for cow's milk that are just as nutritious and tasty, without violence.

In the market, you can look for lactose-free, organic or nut milks. That way, you won't be contributing to the system that violates animals, while preserving your health. True, the price of these options is not always the lowest. So, here's how to reproduce some of them at home:

1) Oat milk

Oat milk is an option rich in vitamin B. This means that it acts positively on the central nervous system, maintaining the health of your brain. Another benefit is that it favors good cholesterol levels, helping your heart function.


  • ½ cup of oats
  • 2 ½ cups of drinking water


Soak the oats in 1 cup of water for about two hours. After this period, beat the mixture in the blender, adding the remaining water. Then, strain the liquid and heat it on the fire, until the milk becomes thicker.

2) Brazil nut milk

Brazil nut milk concentrates the benefits of this ingredient. Brazil nuts are rich in antioxidants, improving the appearance of skin, hair and nails. Also, it reduces bad cholesterol and helps in the functioning of the intestine.


  • 1 cup of warm water
  • 3 tablespoons of Brazil nut


For this recipe, you just need to blend the ingredients in a blender, until they form a homogeneous liquid. Once you reach this point, strain the mixture with the help of a clean cloth, or with a very small strainer. It's ready to consume!

3) coconut milk

Coconut milk, like Brazil nut milk, has an antioxidant function. In addition, it is rich in vitamins A, C and E, strengthening the immune system and replacing lost minerals after physical activity.


  • 1 shredded coconut meat
  • 1 liter of hot water
  • 1 coconut water


After separating all the ingredients, take them to the blender, being careful with the hot water. Beat until the mixture is homogeneous and finish by straining the preparation. When it cools down, you can drink it.

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From the content presented, we observed that cow's milk may not be the best consumption option for humans, however there are great substitutes for this liquid, which are more beneficial to people's health and do not contribute to animal cruelty. . Make a change in your habits, for your sake and for the sake of nature!

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