Know the types of discharge that exist

Have you ever noticed that in your underwear, every day, a kind of liquid appears? On some days it is thicker, on other days it is more pasty and there are also times when it is sticky. Many women believe that this is not natural and that it represents a health problem, which is why it is important to delve into this topic. To reassure you, cervical mucus is this liquid that appears in your underwear, in most cases.

There are a number of fluids that the female body releases outside of the menstrual period, such as cervical mucus (which they all release daily), vaginal lubrication (during moments of arousal), the arousal fluid itself (released during sexual practices), vaginal secretion, also called discharge (eliminated when there is a problem in the body), and male sperm that was introduced through the penis the day before, in the case of intercourse without a condom.

This means that the liquid that appears in your underwear daily, if it doesn't have a strong smell, an unusual color and is not accompanied by other symptoms, is usually not a problem. Cervical mucus is produced by the female body throughout the menstrual cycle to make it easier or harder for the sperm to reach the egg, depending on the time of the month.

In addition, cervical mucus protects your intimate area against bacteria and other microorganisms that could alter the environment of your vagina or cause illness. On the other hand, discharge is a sign that there is a problem in your intimate region, and you need to learn to differentiate them from each other and compare them to cervical mucus, so that you get to know yourself better and take care of your health properly. !

Cervical mucus or discharge?

Cervical mucus is the normal, healthy fluid that we release daily. In the case of women who use the contraceptive pill or other hormonal contraceptive methods, the following information does not apply, as these women do not ovulate.

Therefore, for a person who does not ingest hormones, cervical mucus presents different aspects throughout the month, according to the menstrual cycle, and may have the following aspects:

1) After menstruation

Cervical mucus will be transparent, in a small amount, and may have a yellowish or brownish tinge, as it brings the remains of blood from menstruation, which is still recent.

Know the types of discharge that exist
Gabrielle Rocha Rios / Unsplash

2) During the fertile period

To facilitate fertilization, cervical mucus will have the appearance and consistency of egg white, in addition to being present in large quantities. During this period, it favors the arrival of sperm to the egg, leading to the fertilization process.

3) After the fertile period

Cervical mucus becomes thick and appears in less quantity after the fertile period, and may have a yellowish tinge in some cases. It is at this stage that the body is protecting itself against organisms that can cause problems for your health.

4) During intercourse

When sexually involved with a person, whether male or female, the female body produces cervical mucus that promotes lubrication of the vulva, allowing for painless and easy penetration of the penis, fingers or sterilized objects.

These are the types of cervical mucus that support your body and the process of reproduction. At certain times of the month, they can make your panties damp or wet, but it's important that you don't wear daily protectors to prevent this from happening. This accessory can change the environment of your vagina and stimulate the proliferation of bacteria, due to the moisture accumulated in the place.

But how to know if the liquid that is appearing in the panties is just cervical mucus or if it is some kind of discharge? Next, learn what are the appearances, odors, colors of different types of discharge and understand how to differentiate each one of them!

1) Brown or dark-blooded discharge

Many people believe that brown or dark-blooded discharge is an untimely period, but this is not always the case. If you identified the presence of this liquid in your underwear outside of your period, felt cramping and had bleeding, it is possible that you have an irregular menstrual cycle or that you have a problem with your uterus.

2) Yellow, pus-like discharge

Yellow, pus-like discharge is an important warning sign for your body. Accompanied by pain and bleeding when urinating, this type of discharge, which does not last many days, is an indication that the woman may have contracted gonorrhea. To exclude this hypothesis or to treat the disease properly, it is necessary to seek medical help.

3) Greenish, grayish, blistering, strong-smelling discharge

A discharge that has a strong smell should always be a cause for alarm, but if it is also a greenish or grayish color and brings bubbles in your panties, it is far from healthy. In this case, the discharge may be an indication that the woman has contracted trichomoniasis, which is usually accompanied by pain in the uterus region during sex and intense itching in the vagina.

Know the types of discharge that exist
Polina Zimmerman / Pexels

4) Pink discharge

Pink discharge is also called lochia, because it appears after childbirth. It's not a sign of a problem in your body, it's just the shedding of the inner lining of the uterus. There's no reason to worry!

5) Thick, greenish, lumpy discharge

If your discharge looks like curdled milk, is greenish in color and has lumps, it is possible that you have a yeast infection in your vagina. Other symptoms that indicate this are swelling, tenderness, irritation, burning, intense itching, pain when urinating and when having sex.

6) Grayish yellow discharge with a fishy smell

It is not normal to eliminate a grayish yellow liquid with an odor similar to the smell of rotten fish. If this is happening after sexual intercourse or after menstruation, accompanied by itching, burning, redness or swelling, it is best to seek medical attention, as it could be bacterial vaginosis.

7) White discharge with a strong smell and unusual consistency

If you are releasing white discharge, which is accompanied by a strong smell, itching, burning, swelling or has an unusual consistency, it is possible that you are suffering from an infection in the intimate area. So, the best thing to do is to seek medical help to treat the problem.

Now that you know the differences between each of the types of discharge, check out some of the most frequently asked questions on this subject. Two of them you would already know the answer to!

What kind of discharge can indicate pregnancy?

When there is an increase in the levels of the hormone progesterone, it means that the woman's body is producing a child, right after ovulation. This process is responsible for producing a white discharge, which can be an indication that the woman is pregnant.

Know the types of discharge that exist / Pexels

Pink discharge is also an indication that the woman may be pregnant, as the process of fertilization of the egg by the sperm, with the consequent fixation of the fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus, produces a discharge of that color.

To be sure you are pregnant, the best thing to do is to take a pregnancy test. While these discharges can be an indication that there is a being forming inside you, in other cases they can indicate a problem in your body.

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What discharge comes before menstruation?

The discharge that comes before menstruation is not actual discharge, but cervical mucus. It is a normal liquid released by the body, which should not cause fear or panic. This cervical mucus will be thick, appear in small amounts, and may have a yellowish tinge in some cases.

If you experience itching, irritation, burning, pain or any kind of discomfort in the intimate region, next to the cervical mucus, it may be a discharge, especially if it is very yellow. In that case, you should seek medical help.

What does white discharge mean?

White discharge, as mentioned earlier, can be a sign that a woman's body is producing more progesterone during pregnancy, if it is not accompanied by discomfort in the intimate region. If there is itching, burning, irritation, or swelling, it is possible that a fungal infection, such as thrush, is developing.

There are many types of discharge that can indicate health problems, and there are also types of cervical mucus that indicate that your body is okay. The best way to identify each one is by observing your body and taking care of your health. That way, you'll know when the liquid in your underwear is a warning sign and when it's a natural process. Seek medical help whenever you feel discomfort in the intimate region!

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