Is there a recipe for banana fit candy there?

Banana is one of the most popular fruits in the world, and although it originates from Asia, it grows everywhere, in different colors, shapes and sizes. Rich in carbohydrates, vitamins A, C and B and minerals such as copper, iron, magnesium, manganese and potassium, it contains dietary fiber and a little protein.

In addition to being tasty, sweet and pleasing to the palate of most people, it can be consumed “in natura” and in various sweet and savory preparations.

The benefits of fruit are:

– Regulate blood glucose, as it has pectin and resistant starch;

– Improve digestion and help you lose weight, as it is rich in fiber and increases the feeling of satiety;

– Improve heart health, as it has potassium, which is active in controlling blood pressure;

– Reduce the risk of degenerative diseases and promote good mood, as it has antioxidants;

– Protect kidney health, as it has potassium, which is important for the maintenance of kidney functions;

– Help prevent cramps, due to potassium and vitamin C;

– It is accessible throughout the year, with a relatively low price and easily incorporated into the diet.

When it comes to inserting the fruit in the diet, the banana is one of the first that babies try.

Throughout life, in addition to consuming it naturally, banana is consumed in various preparations, such as vitamins, purees, cakes, pies, ice cream and sweets in general.

Homemade banana jam, for example, is very easy to prepare and pleases most people. And it can be done in fitness mode. Discover a quick and tasty recipe below:

Fit banana wedges

Is there a recipe for banana fit candy there?
ferli / 123RF

To make the recipe, you will need:

  • 2 very ripe dwarf bananas;
  • 1 teaspoon of brown sugar, demerara, organic or honey (can substitute for 2 teaspoons of sweetener for oven and stove);
  • 1 spoon (coffee) of vanilla extract;
  • 1 spoon (coffee) of cinnamon powder;
  • 1 spoon (coffee) of orange zest;
  • room temperature water if necessary.

You will prepare like this:

Cut the bananas into thin slices and place over medium heat in a thick-bottomed pan, preferably non-stick. Add the vanilla, sugar or honey, ground cinnamon and orange zest. Mix well and monitor the cooking so you don't burn the jam, until the bananas fall apart. If you notice that it is very consistent, without the fruit falling apart, carefully add a little water at room temperature. Once the banana becomes a paste, you can turn off the heat. Place in a bowl or individual glasses. It's perfect to accompany a slice of white cheese or a healthy oatmeal cookie.

If you want a chocolate preparation, check out this recipe:

Banana candy with chocolate

Is there a recipe for banana fit candy there?
Diana Vyshniakova / 123RF

To make the recipe, you will need:

  • 2 very ripe dwarf bananas;
  • 1 teaspoon of brown sugar, demerara, organic or honey (can substitute for 2 teaspoons of sweetener for oven and stove);
  • 1 spoon (coffee) of 100% cocoa powder;
  • 1 spoon (coffee) of cinnamon powder;
  • room temperature water if necessary.

You will prepare like this:

Cut the bananas into thin slices (they break down faster) and place over medium heat in a heavy-bottomed pan. Add sugar or honey and ground cinnamon. Mix well and monitor the cooking until the bananas break down. If you find it sticking together without the fruit falling apart, carefully add a little water at room temperature. Add the cocoa as soon as the candy is almost set (a homogeneous paste) and mix well. When everything is well homogeneous, turn off the fire. It's ready and very fragrant! Place in a bowl or individual glasses. It is perfect to accompany fresh and ripe strawberries.

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Now that you know the benefits of this democratic fruit, in addition to trying out our recipe suggestions for a fit banana jam, develop your own preparations, with a lot of creativity, and everyone will be happy, because in addition to the delicious treats, everyone will benefit. of the good mood that the fruit offers. Enjoy the good in life with health!

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