Is self application of reiki possible?

Reiki is a type of alternative medicine, a holistic Japanese therapy in which the basis is to focus energy from one person and transfer it to another through the laying on of hands. From this energy channeling practice, it is believed that it is possible to align the energy centers of the human body, also known as chakras, promoting the energy balance that is necessary for an individual to maintain good mental and physical health.

In a reiki session, the therapist who performs the technique, the reikian, performs an energetic cleansing in the environment where the session will take place even before his client arrives. The purpose of this preparation is to ensure that only spirits with good vibes remain in the place. During reiki therapy, the practitioner will place their hands on the person's body, in order to change the vibrations or oscillations of the energies contained in the person's body. This action brings several already proven benefits, such as the improvement of pain and even the reduction of stress and anxiety, for example.

Is self application of reiki possible?

There are only two contraindications to the practice of reiki: it should not be applied to people who have undergone surgery, as bleeding may occur during the session, and it should also not be practiced on people who are under the influence of any type of anesthesia, because reiki is anesthetic and can nullify the effects of other anesthesias. Apart from these two important points, this type of alternative medicine has numerous benefits. Meet some of them:

– Decreases symptoms of stress and anxiety;

– Helps in the treatment of depression;

– Relieves chronic pain;

– Reduces the symptoms of insomnia;

– Promotes a great improvement in the quality of life of those who practice.

But the question that doesn't want to be silent is: is self-application of reiki possible? Of course yes! But you need to know that you will need a master to help you get started with this technique. There are many Reiki courses and you are sure to find one in your city!

Is self application of reiki possible?

At the beginning of the Reiki practice, you will establish your own connection with the universal energy of love, that unconditional love, you know? After establishing this energetic connection, you will feel that all this energy is already present in the chakras of your hands and, from there, you will begin to do the laying on of hands on your own body, based on the sequence of impositions that your master gave you. he taught.

During this process in which you will learn more about therapy, it is recommended that you practice self-application for 21 days without fail! This process is called β€œinner purification” and is extremely precious for your physical body to adapt to energetic and vibratory changes. After completing this purification process, you will go from beginner to reiki, being able to channel the energy of reiki therapy through your hands for yourself and also for others.

The importance of self-applied reiki

Is self application of reiki possible?

Doing this self-treatment is a very beneficial way to raise the positive frequency of your own energy and also to keep your own energy channel clean. With the self-application of reiki, you will find an emotional, mental and physical balance with great lightness. But know everything has a right time, so don't do this therapy in a hurry to heal or see all your problems solved soon. The constant practice of self-application will help you find your balance individually!

How to do reiki self-application?

– Determine a time of your day, around 15 to 60 minutes;

– Take a bath at a comfortable temperature and clean your body;

– Stay in the position that you like the most, depending on where you will do the laying on of hands;

– Be in a quiet environment and preferably be alone;

– Try not to think too much;

– Let the energy flow throughout your body and mind;

– Recite aloud the five principles of reiki;

– Lay your hands on the parts of your body, placing your intention and channeling your energy;

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– Keep laying your hands on a certain area of ​​your body for at least five minutes, until you feel that your intention has been passed through the channeled energy;

– After laying hands on the parts of the body you have chosen and finishing your self-application, recite the five principles of reiki again.

If you keep up the practice of self-reiki, you will come to understand this therapy in a much deeper way. This self-treatment is important, as you will have the knowledge that it is not possible to heal another person without first healing yourself. In this treatment, you will learn more about yourself, you will learn to be persistent, you will be a less stressed and anxious person and you will automatically practice self-love!

It is worth emphasizing that this article is only intended to give some tips on self-reiki application. You need to understand that, before anything else, you will have to take a course in which you will learn everything about the history of this Japanese therapy, the correct way to use its symbols, how the chakras work and many other things.

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