Is it healthy to constantly feed on food made in the electric fryer?

Electric fryers, popularly known as airfryers, are deep fryers that use the power of hot air at high speed to fry food without oil. But is constantly eating food made in the air fryer healthy?

It is important to clarify the reasons why the airfryer can be a great alternative for you to prepare your food, but we will also talk about the criticism that this equipment suffers, explaining the subject well. Check out!

Advantages of making food in the airfryer

You may have seen several advertisements about how cooking or frying food in an airfryer can be good for your health.

After all, no matter which model of airfyer you have, the advertisement is usually the same: something that will revolutionize the method of preparation, allowing you to fry food without oil and in a much healthier way.

But is this really true?

Let's talk about the main reasons why frying food in the electric airfryer can be a good option for your health and what are the advantages of using an airfryer in everyday life.

1 – Do not use deep-frying in oil by immersion

The big, if not the biggest, advantage of the airfryer is not using oil to deep fry.

However what is this? And why is deep frying so bad for your health?

In fact, all oil, when heated to a high temperature, undergoes changes in its chemical composition, causing the release of a toxic substance called acrolein.

Acrolein is toxic to human body cells and its presence in high amounts considerably increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, such as heart attack, atherosclerosis, stroke, among other problems.

Therefore, the frequent consumption of food fried in oil by immersion can cause serious health problems as a result, but it is not the only reason.

2 – Decreases the caloric value of food

Another advantage when thinking about airfryer is that the preparation results in a food with lower caloric value compared to the traditional way of preparation.

That's because when food is fried by immersion, a part of the oil ends up being absorbed by the food. And oil is fat. The higher the fat content of a food, the more calories it will be.

Even in diets such as low carb, which bets on high consumption of vegetables and protein, but with reduced carbohydrates and fried foods, the use of the airfryer can be of great help!

Is it healthy to constantly feed on food made in the electric fryer?
Thanakorn Hormniam / 123RF

After all, putting cut vegetables in a pan means putting oil or olive oil to cook them. Now, if you're going to use the airfryer electric fryer, you won't need it.

That is, you will have foods with reduced caloric value, which helps in the fight against obesity and helps in weight loss.

3 – Food gets ready faster

Another great advantage of the airfryer is the time it takes for food to be ready.

By using hot air at high speed, food is cooked faster.

Thus, a preparation that would take more than an hour in a conventional oven, in the airfryer can be ready in less than 30 minutes.

What are the criticisms leveled at the airfryer?

There are some publications saying that the constant use of the airfyer can be harmful or have disadvantages. But remember that not everything is perfect.

Some criticisms are leveled at the airfryer making food lose its nutritional value, but this is not entirely true.

After all, any cooking preparation of food that exceeds a temperature of 100 °C causes the food to have its nutritional properties reduced.

Therefore, the method of preparation is indifferent, that is, if you bake food above 100 °C in a conventional oven, for example, you will also lose nutrients.

The only way to not lose the nutrients of a food is to consume it raw, something that is not always possible.

Another factor also pointed out is that a substance called acrylamide is produced when the airfryer is superheated, that is, at temperatures above 300º C.

Is it healthy to constantly feed on food made in the electric fryer?
Kittichai Boonpong / 123RF

This substance is toxic to the body and may be linked to the development of cancer lesions.

But here's an important factor: acrylamide is only produced when tubers, starchy foods like potatoes and cassava, for example, are fried at very high temperatures.

And it can also be produced when these foods are deep fried, as the temperature is quite high in the same way.

Also, did you know that acrylamide is present in coffee, soft drinks, chocolate and cigarettes? Thus, it is a substance that does not have a unique relationship with the airfryer, but with the frying at very high temperatures and also with other foods, drinks and products.

In this way, we must always manage the consumption of fried foods rich in starch, not only for their high caloric value, but also for the substances that can be generated.

We should also consume coffee in moderation and stay away from sodas and cigarettes.

The ideal, when using your airfryer, is not to use very high temperatures.

After all, is it healthy to eat food made in the electric fryer?

If we compare it to other food preparation methods, such as deep frying, the airfryer electric fryer has many advantages, as it results in food without frying with oil and with a reduced caloric value.

It is important to make good food choices, including when using the airfryer. So moderate the consumption of fries, breaded snacks and opt for leaner proteins, in addition to vegetables.

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And if you don't want to worry about carcinogenic toxic substances, stay away from soda, drink coffee in moderation and don't smoke. These are essential actions to maintain good health.

Speaking specifically about the airfryer, try not to overheat the equipment, maintaining the recommended temperature and for the time indicated for each preparation. And remember that other ways of cooking also lead to nutritional losses.

With the subject properly explained, you can now make good food choices, knowing that you are focusing on your health and that of your family!

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