
Health and well-being are associated with the balance between body and environment. Failure to adapt to the environment can lead to imbalances or disease.

The sleep disorder may present as difficulty getting to sleep or not being able to stay asleep for a while, or not getting enough sleep to restore energy. The individual has decreased productivity, difficulty performing everyday tasks, lack of concentration and irritability.

The ideal amount of sleep varies from person to person.

The most common types of insomnia are as follows:

  • Dreams about situations experienced during the day at work, family etc.
  • Sleep disturbed by nightmares
  • Difficulty falling asleep or difficulty going back to sleep again

In Chinese medicine, insomnia can be a pattern of excess fire, food stagnation, deficiency or disharmony in the flow between Yin and Yang.

Disharmony of Qi "energy" (deficient or stagnant) can be caused by emotional, dietary and physical factors. As well as stress, anxiety, medication use, going to bed on a very full stomach or very hungry can also disturb sleep.

Tip: pay attention to your body's behavior.

If you lose sleep at the same time every day, for example, at 3 am, it is possible that there is an imbalance in the organ system corresponding to that time.

Acharaporn Kamornboonyarush / Pexels

Acupuncture is able to directly influence the nervous system, the brain releases neurotransmitters such as serotonin, which promotes patient relaxation, reduces stress and balances adrenal function. The energetic functions of each point are like guides for the appropriate decision for the treatment.

By puncturing the points within the meridians or energy channels, it is possible to correct the deficiency of Qi "energy", promoting the restoration and balance of the organism. Some acupuncture points have sedative qualities, for example the point between the eyebrows (Yintang).

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Treatment is done individually, as patients who have signs and symptoms may have different causes. The therapist will identify the causes and propose the use of the best technique and combination of points.

Receiving an acupuncture treatment later in the day reduces stress and promotes restful sleep.

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