Communicate with Spirits

    The act of communicating with spirits may seem strange to some people, but in this life there are things that, although we find it strange, happen and are considered commonplace by many connoisseurs.

    First, we must take into account that a spirit is not dead and that we, who say we are in the world of the living, are here temporarily while our material body has vitality, because then we will return to spirituality, which corresponds to real life.

    Communicability, however, normally happens every day when we sleep! We leave the material body at rest and enter spirituality. Who knows where we're going, because we have the most diverse dialogues, visiting places and people of interest and even resolving conflicting situations in our existence.

    This communication is common and, most of the time, we do not have a broad control of what we are going to experience, as it has more to do with the life of the spirit that we are than with the life we ​​are currently living with the dense body.

    Communicate with Spirits
    cottonbro / Canva

    There are, however, other modalities of communication and one of them is clairvoyance, in which we enter into concentration and start to see the spiritual plane. Then, the connection with all fullness happens, in which there is a projection of the astral body, leaving the carnal body inert, which is very common for those who have this type of mediumship developed.

    Another type of communication that is also very common is psychography, which is when we receive written messages. For this, it is necessary to be linked to a house of spiritual prayer and wait for the opportune moment to receive the communication, which is made possible through a mediator who has the faculty of psychography.

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    In psychophonic communication, a situation in which the message comes to us through the medium's voice, specific preparation is necessary, which ranges from adequate food to purity of thoughts and the desire to practice in good, which makes it possible for the mediator to receive good posts.

    There are many other types of interchange that can happen without our knowledge, such as movement of objects, breaking of objects, knocks, noises, sounds. In addition, the sensitive medium is capable of feeling shivers, euphoria, nausea, sadness, desire to cry, physical pain, drowsiness, even falling asleep when listening to lectures and prayers. Everything is considered normal and depends on deepening the doctrinal knowledge to understand.

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