How to speed up your metabolism

Many people believe that they do not lose weight because they have “bad metabolism”. The privileged who lose weight easily, in turn, are considered special people because they own the much-envied “good metabolism”. But does anyone know what it is and what the function of metabolism is?

In terms of giblets, it is the amount of calories spent by the body to breathe, pump blood and exercise. Fast metabolism, the so-called "good metabolism" is when the body spends more energy to perform such activities. Age, sex, weight are important factors. People with more weight need a greater caloric expenditure and the older we get, the slower our metabolism. Men have an advantage over women as they have more muscle mass. That is, genetics does play an important role in metabolism, however, it is not decisive, it is not a stamp, and much less, it is not a crutch to use as an excuse to justify not losing weight. Metabolism is divided into three groups. Check out what role each one plays:

How to speed up your metabolism

Here are the main thermogenic foods and how they work:


However, a routine of physical activities and healthy eating are also not enough. Other habits need to be incorporated by those who want to speed up metabolism.

• Sleep well
Sleep at least eight hours a night. Those who sleep poorly produce excess cortisol. This hormone stimulates the accumulation of abdominal fat.

• Get out of there stress
Stress camouflages cortisol, and in large amounts, you can increase your food intake. Research carried out by the American University of Ohio proved that those who lead a stressful routine have a slower metabolism.

• Drink water
The body expends energy to keep the water at the ideal temperature. According to endocrinologist Marcio Mancini, a member of the Obesity Department of the Spanish Society of Endocrinology and Metabology (SBEM), drinking water one hour before meals makes a person eat a smaller amount of food.

• Have breakfast
After fasting during sleep, which varies from 8 to 12 hours, the body needs to be replenished. Breakfast makes the metabolism work harder during the day. Those who skip the first meal of the day are more vulnerable to muscle catabolism, when the body burns muscle for energy, which favors a slow metabolism. Fibers, proteins and fruits are indispensable for breakfast.

• Eat every three hours
Stimulates food thermogenesis (energy that the body uses to digest, metabolize or store nutrients). Eating every three hours keeps the person from overeating at the next meal.

More tips that speed up your metabolism:
  • Start your meal with vegetables, because they have few calories and many nutrients and fibers, which guarantee satiety, making you eat less;
  • Who can't resist a sweetie, leave it for dessert, so insulin is stabilized and, consequently, the feeling of hunger is more intense;
  • Walk for 10 or 15 minutes after meals, so blood circulates faster, cells are better oxygenated and nutrients are better used;
  • Drink a glass of water with freshly squeezed lemon;
  • Cinema matches popcorn. Fat as it is, it helps to make your metabolism work at a snail's pace. Prefer the light version for microwaves;
  • Not all cereal is healthy. Eliminate from your menu the ones that are based on refined corn flakes and rice, like crispis and corn flakes, because they have a high glycemic index. Invest in whole grains and oats, rich in fiber;
  • Combine spicy and bitter foods. According to doctor Mauro Perini, from SPA Yan Sou, in Bragança Paulista (SP), a specialist in Chinese medicine, this association tones the spleen, responsible for energy metabolism and one of the most important organs according to traditional Chinese medicine.

We tell you what metabolism is, the importance in genetics, but, mainly, we reinforce that it is possible to circumvent a lazy metabolism with balanced diet, physical exercises and the incorporation of other healthy habits in everyday life. We also inform you that thermogenic foods make the metabolism work faster, however, we emphasize that hypertensive, heart and people with thyroid problems need to consult the doctor before consuming this food group.

Including new habits, especially eating habits, is a lot of work, however, realizing the benefits that this attitude brings, new habits give a huge sense of pleasure and you wonder why it took so long to change. Weight loss is just a consequence. If you have any health problems, consult your doctor. Receiving the green light, incorporate our tips and have more quality of life. 

• Article written by Sumaia Santana from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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