How to plant strawberry at home?

To prepare a dessert, a juice and even a salad, the strawberry is a very suitable fruit. The red color and acidic flavor are the perfect combination for a very hot day or a very cold night.

In addition to the flavor and beauty of the fruit, the strawberry has benefits for the health of those who consume it. Among them, we can list: combating premature aging, improving cardiovascular health, mitigating infections and stimulating mental capacity.

And the best thing about the strawberry is that it can be planted right next to you. More precisely, in a vegetable garden at home. With the tips we have prepared, discover how this fruit can be part of your garden and your meals.

What do I need to know to plant strawberries?

You can't plant strawberry without knowing a little about this fruit. Therefore, understand the ideal conditions for the development of the plant:

  • Brightness: while some types of strawberry do well in the sun, others suffer from the sun's rays. So avoid exposing the fruit to intense sun, but ensure it receives direct sunlight throughout the day.
  • Solo: The perfect soil for strawberry planting is sandy with good drainage. However, an alkaline soil with plenty of organic matter is also suitable for the fruit. To prevent the proliferation of pests, it is recommended to add a layer of sand over the earth.
  • Adubation: During the strawberry development period, it is essential to replace the nutrients that are being consumed by the plant, so that it continues to grow.
  • Let go: the strawberry plant needs to be watered every day. However, water should not fall on the strawberries, which do not do well with so much moisture.
  • Pruning: the brown, diseased and very old leaves must be removed, to facilitate the development of the strawberry.
  • Harvest: 2 to 3 months after planting strawberry, the fruit can be harvested. Ideally, it should be reddened on the foot for about two days before being removed.

What do you need to have to plant strawberries?

After learning the details about strawberry development, learn about the materials you need to have for planting the fruit:

  • strawberry seedlings
  • Terra
  • Water
  • Jar
  • PET bottle
  • PVC pipe
  • Sand
  • expanded clay
  • drainage blanket
How to plant strawberry at home?
sloniki / 123RF

When is the best time to plant strawberries?

The best time to plant strawberries, when the fruit is more likely to do well in the soil, is between May and June. During this period, temperatures are milder, and the sun is not so strong, which is ideal for the fruit, which prefers cooler climates for the flowering period.

Where to plant the strawberry?

If you don't have a spacious garden or live in an apartment, you can plant the strawberry in a pot, in a PET bottle or even in a PVC pipe. See how to do this, below.

How to plant strawberry in pot

In a pot at least 30 cm in diameter, add a layer of expanded clay at the bottom. Then place a drainage blanket over the stones. Then fill the rest of the pot with soil, preferably rich in organic matter. Finally, just add the strawberry seedling.

How to plant strawberry in PET bottle

To plant strawberries in a PET bottle, you must cut a rectangle on one of the sides of the bottle. After this process, drill holes all over the plastic, to facilitate water drainage and aeration of the roots. Then add soil rich in organic matter throughout the bottle space. Finally add the strawberry seedlings.

How to plant strawberry in PVC pipe

In a 120 mm PVC pipe, positioned horizontally, drill holes of 4 cm in diameter, one next to the other. Then add the soil, and finally the strawberry seedlings, into each of the holes you made. Remember to keep the plant wet, without soaking it.

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  • Experience the benefits of strawberry for your health
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Step by step to plant strawberry

After choosing your preferred method for planting strawberries, just follow the step-by-step instructions below to start your planting:

  • Plant the strawberry from the seedlings, in the method you chose, in a suitable environment.
  • Make sure the fruit isn't getting too much sunlight and that the soil is well-drained.
  • Water the strawberry daily, only wetting the soil.
  • Harvest the fruit two days after it turns red.

With our content, you were able to know every detail about strawberry planting, and your garden at home will never be the same again. Follow the recommendations we present to ensure this fruit is always on your menu, in different preparations.

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