How to motivate yourself in the face of routine fatigue and the beginning of a new week?

How to motivate yourself in the face of routine fatigue and the beginning of a new week?
At the beginning of the XNUMXst century and with this intense ease in the use of technological means, in the transmission of information and in the practicality to get around physically, unfortunately and terribly, the same cultural practices are dominating and plunging human beings into virtual, individualistic and with behavioral practices that make their experiences physical and material objects, intensely mechanical, and with a highly rigorous, authoritarian and intolerant treatment like a stone, lacking feelings and sensitivity to the values ​​of welcoming others.

As a result, many people get irritated, annoyed, lose their humor and interest in life and consequently walk towards unhappy crises of stress, loss of control, illness and exclusion from group living, experiences that are so fundamental and comforting to joy, to fun and affection in a happy life story.

In view of this, we naturally observe the same scenarios with many other people, unhappy in their family relationships, in their studies, jobs and other relationships of dating, marriage and even on their days off work, where they cannot enjoy these moments because they cannot bear to stay standing around with nothing to do, which sometimes leads them to isolate themselves or to clash with themselves or those closest to them.

Heaven and hell are within each one. Who do you visit most daily?

Through these emotional upheavals and difficulties to live better, I come to bring you some suggestions and practices that can rescue your health, joy and more love in your thoughts and actions that illuminate your pleasure in living.

With that, I advise you to reorganize your thoughts, having a more positive view of life and good with your achievements (instead of living many of these moments bored and stressed by the occurrences of conflicts in your daily life), for example:

β€’ Daily, keep in touch with God, feeding your faith, gratitude and requests for protection;

β€’ From the moment you wake up, give thanks for being alive, for the new opportunities for happiness and growth that may be happening in your life;

β€’ Give a light and affectionate hug to your family member, thank them for their existence and daily help;

β€’ Breathe slowly and deeply, breathe lightness and love into your mind and physical body. As you breathe out, release it along with your hurts, nervousness and general ills;

β€’ Live more calmly, have slower foot and hand movements, thus reducing some of your anxiety;

β€’ When having breakfast or having a meal, give thanks for the food and for the realization of such a blessed moment;

As you leave your house, enjoy the beauty of the day, the sky, the clouds, the sun, the rain, etc. See the purity of colors, shapes and life contained in every detail of the landscapes around you;

β€’ Instead of seeing the negative side of having to go to work in an undesirable place, recognize the positive side, for being employed, for studying or for being confident and looking for new opportunities in your professional, academic and social life ;

β€’ Criticize your bad thoughts, which so often appear and try to haunt you. Don't let them dominate you, question what each one is making you feel, be realistic and don't feed illusory ideas, excess jealousy, nervousness or any impulsive manifestation. Enlighten and protect yourself from these evils;

β€’ In the moments when you have to go to the bank, instead of stressing about the delay, recognize the good side. Try to go to the bank where you feel more comfortable, calm down when you are in line and be grateful for the possibility of paying your bills or receiving your salary etc.;

β€’ Believe in yourself more, complain less, listen to other people more, think and say more optimistic and confident words to yourself;

β€’ Use the essential time of your cell phone, internet and WhatsApp, and then dedicate yourself more to interacting with other people, going to a cafeteria, in the park, playing sports, taking a walk with friends, children and family;

β€’ In traffic, instead of being stressed by the congestion and slowness of the route, be grateful for being in your car, motorcycle or other means that facilitate your locomotion. At the intersections between the streets, give preference to other cars, give preference to the next and feel how good it is to be kind to the other;

Play more, have fun, dance, sing and cheer up on weekends, having a lighter schedule, with less demands and more free moments to go out, walk and walk along the road of good deeds;

β€’ Don't get irritated by small things or even just seeing the bad side of some fact, be smart and kind to yourself, try to get around every situation and cherish your momentary well-being, which consequently will bring you better energies and experiences of calm , respect and admiration for its balance;

When Sunday arrives, be realistic and think positively: how great to start another week being employed, studying and with dedications that benefit you with more knowledge, learning, salary and achievements that help you to continue those routines that you once wanted so much. happen in your life... or that they help you in the future to fulfill another dream!

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From the practice of some of these daily guidelines, changing a little your analysis of the events that will happen in your life, having more optimism, security and faith, your life will certainly change for the better and you will find peace, joy and greater pleasure in living daily!

And so on, uncomplicate and appreciate the infinite and kind seeds, feelings that are inside you, that are in your hands, in your power of choice, deciding what you will plant in your path of momentary actions, between being able to live the good or the bad. aggression, peace or insecurity.

Think about it and here are the tips!

The construction of a better world starts from the good deeds of each one, which will consequently become fruits full of coexistence of good and human happiness!


Cury, A. The sower of ideas. SΓ£o Paulo, Academy of intelligence, 2010.
Cury, A. Brilliant Parents, Fascinating Teachers. Rio de Janeiro, Sextant, 2008.
Diniz, L. Art leading to the sacred. Rio de Janeiro, Wak, 2015.
Saraiva, A. 25 verbs to build your life. Sao Paulo, Planet, 2016.

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