21 Powerful Lessons Parents Should Teach Their Children

    For children to grow up intelligent, aware and happy individually, parents need to guide their paths with wisdom and love. If they don't provide this help they risk not having the mental and emotional resources needed to face the future challenges that life may provide along the way and when they are unable to cope they can end up experiencing immense and ongoing suffering. . Therefore, parents need to be aware of the tremendous responsibility it is to educate their children in the best possible way.

    Here are some powerful life lessons that parents are obligated to pass on to their children to teach them how to find peace, freedom and contentment.

    21 Powerful Lessons Parents Should Teach Their Children

    1. Admit your mistakes. Making mistakes is an inevitable part of life, and not something to be feared or avoided. Mistakes teach us about what we missed in the past and encourage us to find better paths for the future.
    2. value the friendship. Life can be very beautiful, but without good company, it can be difficult and boring. Find people who wish you well and who choose to live this adventure that is life together with you.
    3. Don't run after power. Those who seek power in the outer world are lacking within. Instead of striving to conquer the world, learn to conquer your inner peace.
    4. You are important. You, like all life on this planet, are unique and important. Your presence enriches the beauty of existence.
    5. Live simple. Don't fall into the trap of always wanting more and more. You only feel truly complete when you separate yourself from greed and feel grateful for everything you already have.
    6. Be open to criticism. Pay attention to constructive criticism, and above all, be the first to criticize yourself.
    7. Give voice to your truth. Be yourself, express your thoughts, emotions and burn your masks.
    8. Cooperate. Life doesn't have to be a race. Work together with people to create an even more beautiful world that is good for all human beings.
    9. Embrace the change. Everything in the world changes except change itself. Instead of fighting it, relax, allow yourself to go with the flow.
    10. Don't look for beauty in money.  True wealth is not found in the money you have in your bank account, but in the amount of love and joy you have in your heart.
    11. Listen to your body. Your physical organism is wise, so pay attention to it and take care of its needs for your own good.
    12. Don't judge people so much. Everyone has their own stories and internal struggles. Don't think you have the right to judge something you've never lived without having the same baggage of life.
    13. Be grateful. Life is a gift, so raise your hands to the sky and be grateful for everything it offers you.
    14. Do what makes you smile. Play it. Have a good time. Dedicate yourself to what makes you happy and you won't regret a single moment of your life.
    15. Listen more and talk less. Words have immense power, so be mindful of when and how you use them.
    16. Rebel against authorities. Never let anyone tell you how to live your life. Consider the advice, but never let it get the better of you.
    17. Make your obstacles a stepping stone. No matter what problem you are facing, don't let them discourage you. Problems were made to be solved. And overcoming them helps us improve the quality of life.
    18. Be generous. If you have something in mind that will improve the lives of others and the world, no matter what it is, don't hide that treasure — share it! And you will immediately feel fulfilled. In fact, there is no greater accomplishment than helping others.
    19. Open your heart to others. It is not healthy to build walls around you for fear that you will hurt people. Embrace who you feel connected to and make sure you create genuine, open-hearted relationships.
    20. Share your gifts. We all have a special gift, discover yours and offer it to the world.
    21. Be responsible. Freedom goes hand in hand with responsibility, so if you want to be free, be responsible for your actions and realize that you are the creator of your own destiny.

    Today's children will build the future of humanity, so let's do our part to create the most beautiful future we can.

    Text written by Amanda Magliaro Prieto of the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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