How to make your resume better for your first job

Even with all the technology that we have today in the world, there is nowhere to run: the resume is still a fundamental piece for those looking for a job. But what about the situation of those who are looking for their first job opportunity? Previous experience is lacking, perhaps no graduations completed or courses in progress… So, what to do at that time?

It may seem hopeless, but there is no need to think so. Even if a person has not had any professional experience in life, this does not mean that he is not able to develop functions that demand another type of skill. There are talents and gifts that go beyond academic training or specializations and that are often left out.

Writing a CV in a clean, clear and honest way is a very important and essential step for anyone who wants to enter the market. Here are some tips that will help you make this process less painful.

Keeping an eye on grammar

Nobody needs to be a Pasquale teacher of the Portuguese language, but being up to date with our mother tongue doesn't cost anything, does it? Pay attention to grammatical errors. In the eyes of a selector, this is considered eliminatory data. If you need help, consult a good dictionary. It's worth noting that posting emails with weird nicknames or names can sound a little childish, so take your resume as your business card, literally. All details are valuable.

Laying out the curriculum

No using Comic Sans font because it's cute, ok? Make use of the traditional and choose between the “good old” Times News Roman and Arial. And the font size is usually the number 12. According to human resources professionals, it is advisable that the resume has a maximum of two sheets. The layout also has to be taken into account and, with the internet, this task is the easiest so far, and there are several current models to be downloaded for free. Just do some research and get to work!

Leaving for the goals

How to make your resume better for your first job

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Even without experience we all have goals; then, that space will be reserved to express what you really want. In which area are you interested in working, what are your expectations for the future, what do you intend to do to obtain results? Be clear. It's better to be honest in describing your real interest rather than lying.

Focusing on the positives

Are you good at math and logical thinking? Do you like arts, painting, reading or any activity that needs reflection? All this comes in as a decisive factor at the time of an interview. In your resume, you can put skills such as: creativity, aptitude for mathematical calculations, good interpersonal skills, dynamism, in short; there are countless qualities to be discovered and explored.

Academic training and courses

In addition to basic information about your level of education, focus on activities you have done that involve other types of knowledge, such as extracurricular courses, language courses, exchanges, workshops, volunteer work and lectures you have attended. However, keep your feet on the ground and don't get too excited. The film can be burned by the simple fact of putting a course that has nothing to do with your professional purpose.

In addition, the information to be placed is the basic: full name, contact numbers (home and cell phone), address (no need to inform the zip code), city and region, age and marital status. Having done all that, now it's time to hope and believe that there are chances of finding a good spot. Good luck!

Text written by Juliana Alves de Souza from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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