Does your partner exploit you?

Does your partner exploit you?
In the business world, a partnership or commercial partnership only exists when the two parties involved win fairly and comply with pre-established criteria. In personal relationships and feelings, the reality is the same: no one can ever lose.

But, unfortunately, this is not what happens in many relationships, marriages and even friendships. While one person wants to thrive and grow, the other just wants to survive without any major efforts. Then we have a financial exploitation masked by various excuses.

However, the worst exploitation is sentimental. Of course, in order to maintain harmony in family life, we often need to compromise, but this is quite different than completely canceling ourselves out to satisfy the other person's wishes. This is exploitation.

So honestly answer the following questions and find out if there is emotional exploitation in your relationship:

Does your partner enjoy your company? Does he/she treat you as a priority? Is your partner truly a companion for all occasions? Does he/she encourage you to grow professionally and as a human being? Does your partner give up doing his or her will to please you as often as you do the same? Does he/she admit when he/she has done wrong without blaming you or other people and situations? Does the other person make an effort to see you happy?

If the answer to any of these questions was "NO", you should start planning to end this abusive relationship, which is robbing you of your joy of living daily.

Now, on to a few more questions for you to assess your relationship: Are you always striving to please the other person? Do you feel guilty for the unhappiness of the other? Does your partner care about being with you in your spare time? Is there always someone or something more important than being with you?

If the answer to any of these questions was β€œYES”, get out of that relationship urgently. Stop deluding yourself, exploitative and accommodating people will never feel the desire to change their attitudes, because for them the situation is calm and favorable, even if he says otherwise.

Remember, no one is able to change anyone. And you don't deserve to be with someone who exploits you, either financially or emotionally.
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