How to maintain healthy habits on vacation?

The holidays are a time to relax and forget the routine a little, with no time to wake up or eat. But often, these changes can lead to some problems: feeling of a bloated belly and gaining extra pounds.

In addition, a total change in routine can make it difficult to reach your fitness and nutrition goals, and still bring that feeling of low energy during a period that should be well used. Therefore, we invite readers of Eu sem Fronteiras to check out tips on how to reconcile this moment of rest with healthy habits during this holiday period.

5 tips to maintain healthy habits on vacation

We have selected some habits that, even on vacation, can be incorporated, and that, at the end of it, you will not be surprised with extra weight, or even that feeling that you were not able to make the most of this period. Check out:

1 – Keep the number of meals

Despite being a time of different routines – especially when we are not at home, but traveling – there are certain essential habits that must be respected. Above all, eat five meals a day and don't skip breakfast.

In this way, it is easier to maintain a balanced diet and avoid snacks between meals, especially unhealthy snacks, rich in saturated fats and sugars, which are often the main responsible for excess weight and other related problems.

2 – Even outside the house, eat in moderation

Not everything needs to be very regulated, even on vacation. So it's not about completely avoiding temptations, but also about having fun. However, try not to order just snacks every day or eat only what you like. And this challenge is greater especially when you are traveling, staying in hotels, and eating in restaurants with an all-you-can-eat buffet. Therefore, these precautions must be maximized.

In turn, alcoholic, sugary or carbonated drinks can be consumed, but do not overdo it. The immediate effect is usually the feeling of a swollen belly – something that also happens when you abuse fried foods – and, in the medium term, an increase in body weight.

3 – Don’t give up on physical activities

Even on vacation, it is interesting to continue with at least some physical activity to keep the body moving. This can be as simple as choosing to walk to sites instead of driving or using public transport, or taking advantage of good weather to go on nature walks. Whether it's a run, a swim or a little yoga, the important thing is to stay active.

How to maintain healthy habits on vacation?
Bojan Milinkov / Shutterstock

4 - Drink plenty of water

Regardless of when you are going on vacation, drink water. In addition to its importance for maintaining adequate hydration, water is essential to avoid certain dietary imbalances at this time.

Sometimes it even happens that you eat between meals precisely because you feel hungry, when, in fact, you are thirsty. That is, the signals are confusing, because what the body really needed was to be well hydrated.

5 – Try doing a new activity

Another tip is to plan an enjoyable activity on vacation. So, join the pool or gym, start a course, buy a new book or choose what you want and do it for you. Return to the desire of everyday life, without thinking only about duties and commitments.

Take some time to relax

If unplanned, vacations can be stressful. Even without a routine, take time to relax. After all, finding time for yourself is not a selfish act. In this case, whether it's sleeping a little longer, exercising, meditating, taking a longer bath, or reading calmly.

Therefore, after a break, returning after the holidays tends to be a reason for sadness, but trying to stay active with pleasant activities, this return can be more peaceful.

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Although we often associate a vacation with a tasty feast, most of us don't consider how these foods affect our health. So maintaining healthy habits doesn't have to be difficult when you're on vacation, as small changes make a big difference.

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