Films and books about synchronicity

Maybe you've never read or heard about the term “synchronicity”, but you've certainly had contact with one or at least heard of someone who went through something similar. Want to see how true it is? You know when a coincidence happens so big that you think, "Wow, there seems to be some energy or something beyond here in this event." Want to see some examples?

You pick up your cell phone and call or text someone and the person answers or responds: “Damn, I was going to talk to you right now!”. Or when you need a certain amount of money to do something and, “magically”, you find money or borrow it; in short, synchronicities are those situations in which something seems to have happened at exactly the right time or for the right reasons.

What is synchronicity?

The term, as we know it today, was developed by psychologist and psychiatrist Carl Jung (1875-1961), founder of analytical psychology. The word derives from the Greek terms “syn”, meaning “together”, and “chronos”, meaning “time”.

According to him, in a nutshell, synchronicity happens when there is a direct and easily perceived connection between an event (something external) and a feeling, a thought and/or a desire (something internal). Still according to Jung, synchronicity is configured not by a casual relationship - that is, by mere coincidence -, but by a meaning relationship, that is, as if there was something "greater" instead of simple coincidence.

Movies and books to understand synchronicity

As it is part of humanity, of our day-to-day and our daily lives, synchronicity is obviously a theme present in artistic works. If you want to understand more about this concept and still want to immerse yourself in an artistic work, we have prepared a list of movies and books that have synchronicity as a central theme for you to understand its power, importance and impact on our lives.

Films and books about synchronicity
Obregonia D. Toretto / Pexels

“Synchronicity — The Dynamics of the Unconscious” by Carl Jung

This is the book in which Carl Jung lays out his theory about what synchronicity is, explaining what acausal connections and meaningful coincidences are. Despite being a short work, it was published in España in three volumes. It is a recommended book for people who want to study the conceptual part of what synchronicity is.

“Synchronicity: The Inner Path to Leadership” by Joseph Jaworski

In this book, which takes advantage of Carl Jung's concept of synchronicity, Jaworski invites our interiority, recommending that we look inside ourselves and try to understand our individual missions in existence, how we were led to it and how we can accomplish it. -there.

“Heart and Soul” by Maylis de Kerangal

Basically, every transplant is a story of synchronicity, and a synchronicity with two very different poles: very good for the person who receives a transplanted organ, but very bad for the person who donated the organ, because he died. This very moving book shows what the organ transplant process looks like from the perspective of a young donor's family, the doctors and nurses involved in the operation, and the family of the recipient.

Films and books about synchronicity
Kaboompics .com / Pexels

"LoveStar", by Andri Snær Magnason

This book is for fans of fantasy and science fiction! In a small town in cold Iceland, a genius tycoon develops a machine called LoveStar, which analyzes the personalities of everyone in the world and forms perfect couples based on that analysis. The story is told from the perspective of a couple that has not yet been analyzed by the machine, until the woman who forms the couple receives the name of her soulmate from the system and has to decide: she goes to meet her ideal partner or continues living. romance with your current boyfriend, whom you love a lot?

“The Universe in the Eye”, directed by Mike Cahill

This sci-fi movie tells the story of an eye scientist who, after watching his girlfriend die in a tragic accident, decades later finds a girl in India who has the exact same iris pattern as his ex-girlfriend. Was the little girl a reincarnation of the girl he never forgot?

Films and books about synchronicity
Skitterphoto / Pexels

“Life Itself” Directed by Dan Fogelman

In this moving film, we see several love stories that intertwine and create a network that shows that all stories can be re-signified based on this sublime feeling, allowing many synchronicities that unite some families throughout their generations. It's one of those movies that make us believe that love is possible, even in the scorched earth.

“The Clown”, directed by Selton Mello

This is a movie that talks a lot about being exactly where you should be and having a life mission. The clown Pangaré, played by Selton Mello himself, is going through a crisis in his life, in which he wonders about his choice to be a clown. Along a journey towards his interior, he will try to discover what his mission and his role in life is.

“Before Dawn”, “Before Sunset” and “Before Midnight” Directed by Richard Linklater

In the first film of this trilogy, an American boy is on vacation in Vienna, Austria, and is waiting to board his flight, which takes off at dawn, when he meets a French girl. They fall in love in a short time, but they have only one night and one dawn to enjoy together. Following the first film, the couple is reunited nine years later, in a new synchronicity. The last part of the trilogy reveals the outcome of the young people in love, always talking about the powerful encounter that happened in their lives.

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So, do you believe in synchronicities? What did you think of this concept? If you've ever been in a situation like this in your life, you know that they really exist and how beautiful and meaningful they can be. Watch the movies and read the books we recommend to really understand the impact that such an experience can have on our lives.

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