How to give up the "friend" cigarette

Every addiction is hard to break. And there are many! We have licit drugs, illicit drugs, which lead to prison whoever sells them, and common addictions, which are compulsion for food, paranoia for insatiable sex, alcoholism and what interests us in this article: smoking.

Undoubtedly, the most difficult addiction to give up is addiction to cigarettes, and this is due to the fact that it contains several chemical products that are reinforced by advertisements that, although more discreet, still attract the attention of users.

The use of tobacco is also linked to certain concepts, such as the pipe with an air of thinker, the cigarette holder with an air of intellectuality and domination, and the cigar with a ritual of complicity and superiority, even though young people are no longer connected to these illusions. .

I always say in my lectures that it is difficult to change concepts that have been valued over many years, as we put filters of various colors on cigarettes, with seductive brands, anatomical bags, strategic names such as "the thin that satisfies", songs that praise smoking and even the creation of a peace pipe ritual – and we know well what was contained in such pipes.

How to give up the
Irina Iriser / Pexels

But the smoker always looks for alternatives to get rid of the addiction. Go to the pipe or cigarillo, chew tobacco and use hookah with flavoring and flavoring, which also causes lung, mouth and bladder cancer, in addition to respiratory diseases. And this always with the intention of getting rid of the addiction, whatever it may be, while science can't free the user, even with the administration of powerful medicines! But why will it be so difficult to free yourself? It's just that there is the figure of the obsessor, who is nothing more than the smoker who "died" and who continues to live on the other plane - because no one dies, as Jesus has already said and proved this to us. This obsessor, who can be a friend, relative, neighbor or even our enemy, approaches the smoker to be able to sip the puffs, since he cannot take the cigarette with his hands, and then aspirate emanations fluidly!

That's why, my friends, it's hard to quit because we're not just one smoking. Let us also remember the legion that Jesus spoke to us about! Therefore, it is necessary to first decide to give up smoking. Then, a lot of meditation and prayer asking for help so that Jesus sends His medical messengers from space to detoxify us, so that the obsessors are gradually moving away.

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Nor should we give up the β€œfriend” cigarette as something that is thrown out the window, with contempt and anger. No! Do not do it! Chico Xavier always said that we should act with caution and charity. We should, yes, thank the addiction for the time it has benefited us in moments of anguish, discouragement and anxiety and explain that now we are going to continue our journey without this dependence! And to thank the company of the disincarnated brothers who were linked to us in partnership, asking them to also follow the path of enlightenment and that they are also helped in spirituality.

Much perseverance, brother. And if you are going to weaken, resort to the help of prayer! You will certainly get help.

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