How to create a meal plan?

Losing weight is not an easy thing. As much as there are miraculous formulas to get in shape, the truth is that you can only have a well-defined body with a lot of discipline. And the most difficult discipline, contrary to what many believe, is not with physical exercises, but with food.

This is because physical exercises last between 30 minutes and 2 hours, on average (unless you are a professional athlete), since food is something that must receive attention and control 24 hours a day. It's no use doing two hours of heavy exercise and then eating several goodies during the day, so we've separated some tips for you to learn how to make a food plan. Check it out below:

watch yourself

The first step is to find out what makes you fat. Each person has a unique body and their own metabolism, so it's no use following a ready-made formula thinking it will be miraculous. The first step is to observe your routine.. How much physical exercise do you do? How many times do you eat a day? What do you eat? At what times do you feel most hungry or want to eat? Write down every detail of your habits to find out what you need to improve.

How to create a meal plan?Study the composition of food

The internet has a lot of useful material for this. Find out which foods have the most protein, carbs and fat. Find out which ones have nutrients like vitamins and minerals. This step is important for you to understand if what you consume is healthy and helps you lose weight or if it only harms you.


Also learn the amount of calories your body needs to consume every day.. On the internet, you can find calculators that help you do this calculation. After discovering this information, you will understand which foods are more or less caloric and, from that, you will be able to dose them in the different meals of your day.


It is very difficult to break a habit that is already ingrained in your routine., like eating sweets. So use the substitution technique for unhealthy eating habits. For example, instead of stopping eating that candy after lunch, replace it with a sugar-free candy or fruit. Not eating anything will make everything more difficult. Then take it easy and replace everything little by little.


As much as you inform yourself and get good results on your own, we always recommend talking to a professional in the area, such as a nutritionist, which can help you build a meal plan and give you valuable advice to eat well, without harming your health.

Written by Ricardo Sturk from the Eu Sem Fronteiras team

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