How to conquer a love using the Law of Attraction?

Ask the Universe, and it will answer. Even those who don't understand much about the Law of Attraction must have heard this phrase around. But can this process apply to everything in our life? For example, does it work in the realm of love? Is it possible to unite Law of Attraction and love?

And who doesn't want a love to call their own? Living next to someone who makes us smile, who makes our days more pleasant, light and colorful. Is it possible to “bump” around with such a person? In fact, is it asking the Universe a lot for someone who is exactly as we dream?

If you want answers to these questions and also know if you can conquer that special person that destiny needs to put in your way, keep reading this article and see that the Universe also loves to answer the calls of the heart!

How the Law of Attraction works

Basically the Law of Attraction is the power to co-create reality through thoughts and emotions. This strength resides in the assumption that our mind and our intentions need to vibrate at the same intensity, aligned so that we can attract what we desire. It is as if the Universe reads our thoughts and feelings and reciprocates based on the energies we emanate.

Of course, if we are vibrating negatively, it will return to us in the same coin. For example, if we are about to go to an interview, nervous and thinking that everything will go wrong, these emotions will drive us to failure, and so we will act: materializing failure, because our mind is what guides the body. So we need to think positive, to attract the same frequency.

Therefore, the Law of Attraction consists of directing our thoughts to what we desire. So we have to “tune” our emotions to a positive, beneficial frequency. Thus, we will be guided by higher energies and we will feel deserving and worthy of good things.

But of course that doesn't mean it's just positive thinking, sitting back and waiting for the result to come. Mentalizing is the first step, but it is necessary to take action. So, in addition to idealizing and imagining yourself realizing that dream, remember that our power is co-creation. In other words, we are partners with the Universe on our life journey. It is a “four-handed” process.

As we said above, the Law of Attraction works in all areas of our life – whether at work, in personal achievements, with family and friends, even for self-knowledge and, of course, love. It is always acting, and it is essential that we are aware of this, so that we can make the best use of it.

Using the Law of Attraction for Love

Next, we put the information in the form of topics, because that way you can visualize it better, which helps in the absorption of information and in the mentalization process, which are essential for the Law of Attraction to work properly.

To begin

First of all, you need to be emotionally and mentally prepared to start practicing the Law of Attraction. Realize that it is a multi-step process that includes self-knowledge, self-acceptance, focus, willpower, and alignment between emotions and asking.

Be good with yourself, connect with your self. Seek to be in tune with the good things in life. Don't intoxicate yourself with negative thoughts, stress, resentments, and other bad feelings. Try to understand your feelings and emotions, eliminating what limits you.

Identify your preferences

How to conquer a love using the Law of Attraction?
Andrea Piacquadio de Pexels / Canva

List what makes you happy and what makes you unhappy, do a mental review. Extend this “list” to what you are looking for in a person. It would be nice to know what bothers you in someone, but you need to establish this with discretion, so that, when asking, you don't unconsciously focus on the flaws, and end up attracting the opposite of what you want.

Determine your goal

After connecting with yourself and understanding what you like and what you don't like, it's time to get clear on what your goal in love is. How is the ideal person for you? Does it have to be funny? Need to like going out? Or do you prefer the more shy and homely ones? What attracts you to a romantic couple?

The questions are very personal, but what we have outlined here can be a path. Keeping everything in mind, write it down. It is a very valid practice for the Law of Attraction, as writing helps a lot with mentalization. Put everything very clearly and honestly, always thinking with gratitude and happiness. And even already imagining yourself next to that person.

Mentalize the events

As we mentioned in the topic above, as you write down your wishes regarding the type of person you want as a partner, start thinking about the situations in which you may find yourself, the way you would like her to treat you.

It is very important to be in a positive tune, being grateful to the Universe and to life for what you already have and for what you are able to build and conquer, as well as for your strength to accomplish this.

have genuine faith

It's no use asking and mentalizing if you don't have faith. As we speak, the Universe reads our thoughts. So he can also identify when there is no synchronization between what we ask for and what we feel. Believe it! Your request will be dealt with in the best possible way.

Be the positivity you seek

How to conquer a love using the Law of Attraction?
i love simple beyond de Pexels / Canva

Don't forget that in order to attract someone nice and pleasant, you also need to be a person who vibrates at a good frequency. Be optimistic, positive, spread good things around – because where we use good, it returns to us and to our surroundings.

Remember: good things attract good things. And it's not just for retribution, but also because a positive and pleasant world is the best place to live.


It is not enough to just ask the Universe, because, first of all, it can identify when our emotions are not aligned with our request. And, secondly, because just wishing doesn't take us out of place. You need to take the first step. Co-creation, remember?

Use positive affirmations

The Law of Attraction is all based on what we think, feel and express, which is delivered to the Universe in a systematic way. Therefore, it is vital that we mentalize phrases, terms and words that are in line with our desire.

Using positive affirmations helps to “train” our mind so that we can play our aspirations to the Universe in a well-established and accurate way. In the next topic, see some very useful affirmation tips for the Law of Attraction for love.

Law of Attraction Affirmations for Love

How to conquer a love using the Law of Attraction?
webtechexperts from pixabay / Canva

Always remember to be connected with your genuine essence and your true purposes. Have a lot of faith and assurance that your desires will be answered. Make statements like the following with conviction:

  • I attract love in abundance into my life. I am happy and I emanate love!
  • I believe in myself and in my ability to find great love.
  • I deserve to be happy.
  • My life is full and abundant. I am worthy of happiness.
  • The love of my life already exists and is about to cross my path.
  • A love that loves me and brings me security is present in my life.
  • Love opens all doors. He makes my heart his home. I live on love.
  • I attract true love.
  • I really love myself and I know people love me too.
  • I see the love of my life, because he is already with me.
  • I am treated with a lot of affection, affection, respect and fidelity for my love.
  • I came into the world to learn to love myself and be loved without restrictions.
  • The life is good!
  • I am grateful for my life and the love I give and receive.
  • I am grateful for the love that surrounds my being.
  • Love is the noblest feeling of all.
  • I open my heart to all the good things in life. I open my heart to love.
  • Wherever I go, I carry love. I distribute love, for a better world.
  • I attract healthy relationships into my life that are good for me.
  • Life is much lighter next to that special person.
  • My life is lit up by solid and wonderful relationships.

Those are great suggestions. But once you get to know yourself better, it's okay to formulate more personal, more intimate statements about your personality and the context in which you live. Just avoid entering negative, ambiguous or vague words. And when you say it, feel the affirmations with all your heart. Make this love for you, for life and for the person you want to have by your side real.

Another very important issue: don't forget to respect free will. In other words, don't make requests with a specific person in mind – a co-worker, a neighbor, someone's spouse, and so on. Never ask for something involving a real person, as this hurts their autonomy and desires!

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Be receptive, because at the right time, the love you asked for from the Universe will come into your life. Watch out for the signs as they are subtle. But they can be very frequent. Always believe in your potential to give and receive love, always be aware that your actions have consequences. So always be positive, hopeful and grateful, and have faith in life. Have faith in love!

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