5 tips for forgetting a great love

Would you like to live a great love? Few people would answer โ€œnoโ€ to that question, right? Many people would love to live a great love, but the truth that few tell is that, in most cases, when the relationship comes to an end, overcoming the feeling of broken heart is very difficult.

And it can get even worse if you weren't the person who ended the relationship, but the one who had to hear that it's over. Perhaps what makes many people stuck in this is precisely thinking about overcoming, leaving behind, forgetting, and perhaps the best thing to do is to deal with the end and feel it, even if it hurts, so that it is true. , like love.

They still haven't invented a medicine that mends a heart in pieces, but we have prepared tips that can be very valuable not only for this moment of pain, but also for a lot of growth and self-knowledge:

1. Don't trade one love for another

โ€œThe best way to forget a great love is with another great loveโ€ says one of our sayings, but that can be pretty badโ€ฆ Most likely, you end up mixing what you felt for your previous partner with what you feel for the person who just walked into your life, turning everything into a bigger mess.

And, in this triangle that you formed to supply your hurts or lack, it is very likely that you will hurt yourself even more and that you will end up hurting this new love, because you are still stuck in the past. So be very careful when getting involved with someone again. Respect your time and don't pressure yourself to enter a new relationship.

If love really knocks at your door and you're grieving for someone who's gone, maybe a heartfelt conversation with this new lover is good. Play fair, tell the truth, talk about still being hurt, and ask the person to be patient. With dialogue and affection, everything can work out.

2. Evite stalkear

If you don't have access to your now ex-great love personally, you can end up succumbing to the temptation to stalk, which can be bad, even in the long run, as there are people who stalk ex-boyfriends even years after the breakup and being in a relationship. a new relationship.

5 tips for forgetting a great love
mikoto.raw Photographer / Pexels

In addition to being difficult to leave someone in the past if you continue to consume content related to that person in the present, remember that social networks show a very distorted slice of reality. So, that ex-partner's happiness in the networks, while you cry with a broken heart at home, may not be so real.

Remember that if the relationship ended, remaining interested in another person cannot bring anything but suffering.

3. Don't feed guilt

Fed we were by the idea of "happy forever" and of the perfect couples in books, series and movies, seeing a relationship come to an end, especially if it's a long relationship or even a marriage, can come with a sense of frustration, of having failed at something.

Get rid of it as soon as possible. You must know cases of people who made a lot of mistakes with their partners and still the relationship healed and rebuilt itself, right? See, making mistakes is not synonymous with the end of a relationship. So even if you've made mistakes, don't blame yourself, because we all make mistakes and your partner has probably made mistakes with you too. Not every relationship ends because someone made a mistake.

When you think about everything rationally and find no real reasons to feel guilt or just little things, then you should get rid of that guilt that doesn't make sense. Relationship is a construction for two, so don't blame yourself for having come to an end something that needed the care of both.

4. Turn to yourself

Who were you before this great love came into your life? What did you like to do? What hobbies or passions did you leave behind? What experiences would you like to have that were limited by the relationship?

5 tips for forgetting a great love
Burst / Pexels

All these questions can help you build a new path after the relationship ends, because they help you get in touch with yourself and your essence. Often, immersed in a relationship, we leave pieces of ourselves, of our individuality, along the way.

The moment the relationship comes to an end, therefore, it's time to pick up those little pieces that were left along the way and build a new version of yourself. Regardless of how deeply you were involved in this great love, you are still you, an individual, so explore who you are.

5. Ask for help

If you are having difficulty overcoming, getting used to or going through this moment of pain and so many beginnings and reconstructions alone, ask for help. Anyone who recognizes that he does not have the strength to overcome an adversity is not weak, but the opposite: very strong for having the courage to recognize his limitations.

It is very important to have a support network made up of friends and family, who will help you get through this moment, show how much you are, yes, loved and an amazing person, but seeking professional help is very useful and may even prove necessary.

When you start therapy with a psychologist, find an environment free of judgment and the possibility of feeling ashamed for whatever reason. So don't be afraid, afraid or ashamed to recognize that talking to someone is essential right now.

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Bonus tip: It's normal, when you see a great love come to an end, to feel stuck in it, waiting for the relationship to come back. Don't get hung up on it. In fact, don't even think about it. This doesn't mean you need to rule out the possibility of one day being with your loved one again, it just means that right now, at this moment, you need to heal and find yourself before you even think about being with someone.

There is no hell that lasts forever, so know that you will get out of it. You are not a sad person, much less a bad person or one who deserves to suffer. You are just going through a negative moment and you will come out of it much stronger, more mature and aware of the wonderful person you are!

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