The tired mother before, during and after the pandemic

If motherhood is already tiring, imagine during the pandemic... And then, what will it be like? First, it is important to say that talking about motherhood, as much as it may seem like a lot of complaint, it is actually not, it is just exposing a reality that women live and that little is understood by those who see it from the outside. Motherhood involves the mother's life and that of her children, in addition to a balance between work (often outside the home), the children's school, extra activities and leisure. All on account of the parents and, especially, the mother who assumes most of the responsibilities.

With the arrival of the pandemic and the order of social isolation, the balance between all family activities came together in one place: our home, as this is the best way to stay out of the risk of contracting the coronavirus. However, let's think about the routine of the family that works outside, works at home and still takes care of the children. The mother who used to wake up early, send everyone to school, go to work, pick up from school and return home to her domestic duties has undergone many changes since she started to stay at home all the time. Difficult, right? Maternal mental health is fragile and mothers are often exhausted and stressed because of the accumulation of functions without a day of rest. With the arrival of the pandemic, this got worse.

Maternal tiredness, which hitherto hit the end of the day, extended to every day of the week, 24 hours a day, as work, school and even leisure invaded homes for survival and well-being. of all. The question that remains is: what now?

How to keep mental health balanced in the pandemic?

The tired mother before, during and after the pandemic
Kamaji Ogino / Pexels

Reducing the working day, organizing the routine with the children... Calmness and patience are the keys to try to soften the damage that social isolation has brought to homes and stop making everyone's mental health a little more stable . Keeping the routine amid the pandemic is not easy. The children at home, meetings at work and the pile of laundry are challenges for women who are mothers these days. Some alternatives emerged in the midst of the chaos to alleviate this process, such as board games to pass the time, bringing everyone together for homework and respect for each other's space. Psychological support is also an important alternative, especially for mothers: Rounds of online conversations between mothers, therapies… Many professionals have adapted face-to-face to online care and continue to attend normally. Seeking alternative therapies, discovering yourself in the process of self-knowledge, such as meditation and yoga, promoting self-care, setting aside a day to take care of your skin, hair and taking a long bath can be other ways to survive this period and not leave the shuttlecock to fall.

What will be the role of the mother in post-pandemic society?

Looking at what we are experiencing these days, we cannot help but wonder what the routine will be like after the pandemic, after everyone has been vaccinated and the return to normal life, or, as it is more commonly called, the new normal. What will the role of mothers be like in this new normal? As much as society experiences changes in relation to its view of women and their role, they will continue their daily struggles for more respect, empathy and acceptance at any stage of life. Regardless of age, belief, sexual orientation, professional or political choice, women's struggle for a dignified society will exist as long as the demands are only on them and their choices. Children, domestic and professional responsibilities will continue to exist, but the role of women will need to be seen and reviewed and much more valued, after all women are a source of life, love and struggle, but for that to exist they need, before nothing else, be free.

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A lot of bad things have happened in recent times, but, on the other hand, everyone could see up close how exhausting and exhausting the routine of a mother these days is. May this look bring more awareness and respect to all families, in addition to valuing the mother figure in homes. May mothers and everyone around them be able to go through this moment with a little more discernment of what it's like to be a mother. Happy Mothers Day!

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