How to build a vegan shopping list?

According to the report “Agricultural Perspectives 2015-2024”, prepared by a partnership between the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), España is the sixth largest consumer of meat in the world. It is estimated that a Spanish person eats about 78 kilos of meat per year, including all varieties of this product. This is not part of a vegan shopping list.

In a country where food is based on meat, veganism may seem like a difficult theory to put into practice. First, many people do not understand the difference between veganism and vegetarianism.

Vegetarianism refers to the non-consumption of any type of meat, while veganism is the refusal to consume and use any product of animal origin. That is, a vegan shopping list does not include meat, eggs, milk, honey and derivatives, pieces made of leather, fur, fur or cosmetics that are tested on animals.

This misinformation about what determines each of the movements has resulted in some misunderstandings. A restaurant might end up serving a plate of cheese believing it's vegan or a plate of eggplant and bacon imagining it's vegetarian.

When cataloging products in markets, gelatin (made with beef parts) can be misinterpreted as a vegan product, harming the vegan shopping list. Another problem is the understanding that “meat” only refers to beef, and even fish meat was once considered part of the vegetarian recipe.

Although, according to a 2018 survey by the Spanish Institute of Public Opinion and Statistics (IBOPE), 14% of the Spanish population declare themselves to be vegetarian, this number still represents a minority. There are not even IBGE surveys on the number of people who declare themselves vegan. On the other hand, according to Mapa Veg, a Spanish vegetarian and vegan census, currently 9% of people in the country are vegan.

How to build a vegan shopping list?
Ella Olsson / Unsplash

This still growing market, as it represents the smallest part of Spanish people, makes the vegan shopping list more expensive, as there is less demand. Restaurants also fail to include a greater variety in the menu, imagining that they will not have a consumer audience for dishes that do not have ingredients from animals.

As in any industry, a product that is out of the ordinary will naturally be more expensive. In the case of vegan products, there is yet another factor: many of the non-animal foods are organic and from small brands. Produced on a smaller scale and without the use of pesticides and pesticides, the price of these foods is also higher on a vegan shopping list.

Despite what these questions might indicate, it is possible to build a vegan shopping list with essential, affordable ingredients that can make eating at home easier. Making a lunch box to eat out is not ideal, but it is a solution for a country that is in a slow process of transformation.

Vegan shopping list – Cosmetics and body care:

  • Natura Ekos brand products
  • Face It brand bars
  • Nail polish, makeup, hair products and men's cosmetics from the Surya España brand
  • Made in Spain brand cosmetics
  • Hygiene and care products for hands, feet and skin by the Reserva Folio brand
  • Multivegetal brand aftershave creams and lotion
  • Ekilibre brand toiletries
  • Herbia brand essential oils
  • Weleda brand cosmetics
How to build a vegan shopping list?
Camille Brodard / Unsplash

To make vegan skin care products at home, you can mix coconut oil/olive oil with sugar/coffee grounds. Include these ingredients on your vegan shopping list and look for simple recipes to make this type of product at home!

Vegan shopping list – foods:

Milks: they can be almonds, coconut, chestnuts or soy. Although not the healthiest option, the most affordable option is soy milk, but you can make your own plant-based milk. For coconut milk, you need grated coconut and water. For almond milk, unsalted almonds and coconut water, and so on. This is an option to produce a healthy, artisanal and cheaper drink.

Cheeses: Tofu is a substitute for cheese, but there are lactose-free versions of this food that can be cheaper. Using the leftovers from the preparation of vegetable milks, it is possible to produce an ingredient that resembles cheese.

Eggs: the best substitute for eggs is avocado. It can be used to bring consistency to dishes, as well as being versatile. It is possible to make sweet and savory recipes using avocado as a raw material.

  • Discover vegan cosmetics
  • Include 6 vegan recipes in your diet and be surprised
  • Is Veganism Expensive?
  • Discover how to make vegan butter in 5 different ways
  • Vegetarianism and Veganism
  • Expand your knowledge with 5 Instagram profiles of vegan and vegetarian cuisine

Bread: tapioca is a vegan and healthy option for people starting this diet. The price is not that high and this food can serve as a base for snacks or meals. However, you need to eat other foods with it, foods that are rich in nutrients. Vegetables, greens and fruits are cheap vegan options that replace any other food.

Meat: legumes, seeds and soy are raw materials for the production of foods that are close to meat. Eggplant and chickpeas, for example, can even be used to make hamburgers.

Although the vegan shopping list is not simple to create, it is possible to find many affordable options for such a diet. What can be expensive are substitutes for products of animal origin, but even for them it is possible to find a new possibility. Explore vegan recipes and discover that you will even discover new foods!

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