How fruits can help you with constipation

    Constipation is one of the worst things we can feel, it leaves us with a horrible feeling and makes our tasks much more complicated than they really are.

    If you have a bowel movement less than three times a week, be aware! Silent and uncomfortable, constipation can be chronic or occasional, depending on the consistency of the stool and your habits.

    Nothing better than a good diet to prevent or treat this disease. Here are some tips:

    – Drink lots of water, preferably 2 liters a day.

    - Practice exercises regularly.

    – Avoid processed foods.

    – Season food with olive oil, consume yogurt and keep fiber in your diet.

    What foods should you eat to avoid constipation?

    Whole grains, legumes, seeds, vegetables and fruits are rich in fiber and can help a lot.

    Which fruits are ideal for your diet?



    Who hasn't heard that plum is great for going to the bathroom faster? This natural remedy has been known for years and is as effective as a laxative. When consumed dry it is a great source of fiber, its sugar helps the intestines to form stools.


    Fig, although much rejected in traditional diets, has incredible properties. In addition to facilitating evacuation, it protects the stomach from problems such as reflux and acidity.

    How fruits can help you with constipation

    Red fruits

    They couldn't be missing: blackberries, strawberries, cherries and others. Red fruits are antioxidants that facilitate intestinal transit and digestion.  


    This little fruit has a very high fiber content that helps regulate the bowels. In addition, it contains a miraculous enzyme – actinidin – that favors digestion and reduces gas. Consuming it on an empty stomach is a great way to take advantage of all its properties.


    Great for dissolving waste accumulated in the intestine due to its citric acid. Rich in vitamin C and recommended mainly to be consumed in the form of juice on an empty stomach.


    One of the best known fruits for good digestion, rich in fiber and pectin, a substance that regulates bowel movements. In addition, it strengthens the immune system and fights hypertension.

    Change your diet and routine to make your body less lazy. If even with these tips, you are not able to facilitate the evacuation, seek medical advice to find out the origin of this evil. Constipation can be your body's warning to take better care of your health.

    • Text written by Juliane Rodrigues from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.
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