How do I feel doing Art Therapy?

How do I feel doing Art Therapy?

The objective of this activity was to explore and recognize the benefits and emotional and psychic strengthening that the therapeutic treatment of Art Therapy has managed to flourish in the participant's life.

In this way, we started the workshop, by reading the music:

I'm rereading my work, my soul,

My loves

I'm reviewing my life, my struggle,

my values

Rebuilding my strength, my sources,

My values ​​[…]

I'm cleaning my house

Writing my letters, my beginning,

My way,

I'm pruning my garden

I'm taking care of myself […]

My Garden – Vander Lee

With the end of the song, we talked about its meanings and how much she has dedicated herself, through teachings and therapeutic practices, to improving her quality of life, minimizing her conflicts, gradually enhancing her self-esteem and managing to meet with new experiences and more loving, joyful and well-being with friends and loved ones.

Then, several materials were made available to the participant and explained to make a Mandala with Gouache, in the shape of a Flower, naming in each drawing, expressions and colors, meanings that have occurred, flowering beneficially in their Life, through the cultivation of their thoughts. and actions of balance, solutions, respect and happiness in their personal and collective achievements, donating and receiving good, renewal for themselves and with other people.

During the moments of these artistic productions, the participant chose different colors of paint, in addition to making her tracings and representative symbols with great pleasure, of how she has managed to overcome many of her difficulties, sentimental pains and conflicts that have occurred in her life.

Upon completion, she presented and explained each meaning of her expressive art.

In the center of her Mandala, she brought the color yellow and the collage of a red flower, symbolizing light and activation, fluidity of love energy. In addition, she drew other flowers in expansion of the first, as new fruits wrapped with the glow of feelings of satisfaction the changes, strength, determination and the balance of her inner values.

To finish, she made the confection on the edge of her Mandala, the repetition of three sequences of rays, representing the transmission of information, learning and the nutrition of this new phase in her life!

After the presentation, we listened with our eyes closed, the song:

Though I speak with the tongues of men,

Though I spoke the language of Angels,

Nothing would be without Love.

It is only Love, only Love that proves what is true! […]

Monte Castelo – Renato Russo.

In this way, we concluded another meeting of art with therapy for life,

Therapy for good and reciprocal love!

Get to know Art Therapy, transform your internal forces, your thoughts and feelings, into actions, innovation in your relationships with your family, in your work and success in other experiences!

Bibliographic reference

CAMPORA. BB 170 art therapy techniques: expressive modalities for different areas. 2nd ed. Rio de Janeiro, Editora Wak, 2014.

LAUGH W. Thinking Good, Feeling Good: [Sandra Martha Dalinsky]. Sao Paulo. Planet, 2013.

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