How diet can help fight panic disorder

You may have heard about food tips that can help you lose weight, reduce bloating, help with PMS and even give you more energy and mood. If food has the power to do all this, they can also help you with a little more serious issues like fighting or alleviating health problems.

The vitamins, nutrients and minerals present in food are agents linked to the way our body works and this also extends to our mind. Anxiety, depression and panic disorder problems can have great allies through your diet. In this text, we will talk about tips on how to eat to fight panic disorder.

If you suffer from this condition, or know someone who does, pay attention to the following nutrition tips. Nourishing your body the right way can have huge benefits.

How diet can help fight panic disorder


- Caffeine

This substance present in teas and energy drinks, in addition to coffee, can be a decisive factor in triggering a panic attack. That's because it is extremely stimulating and can trigger parts of the brain that are not indicated. It is up to you to assess the amount of this substance that does not harm you. In general, drinking one cup of coffee daily is the maximum recommended dose.

- Sugar

As much as sweets seem to calm you down, they give you a sudden burst of energy and then make that spike drop quickly and reach the threshold of depression. Avoid foods high in sugars whenever you can. Many processed foods, even salty ones, or juices, contain large doses of this food group. Just like caffeine, attention is needed, otherwise you can experience an endless roller coaster of emotions and not even realize the cause of it all.

- Alcohol

Often used as an outlet, alcohol also gives a feeling of comfort when ingested, however, afterwards, there is a need to increase consumption. Alcohol stirs up very high levels of neurotransmitters in your brain and a person with panic disorder may not know how to deal with these changes. Whenever possible, stay away from this veiled villain.


- Water

Hydration is an important ally for the proper functioning of the body. When we are hydrated, the chances of any mental confusion decrease. The ideal is to drink at least two liters of water daily. Get this habit!

- Eggs

Despite having already been sold as a great villain, nowadays studies show that eggs are an important source of nutrients for the most diverse purposes. The yolk is rich in choline, a substance essential for the formation and maintenance of neurotransmitters.

– Foods rich in Omega, 3, 6 and 9

These nutrients are responsible for much of the health of brain impulses. Consume, whenever possible, fish, olive oil, oilseeds, sesame, linseed and coconut oil.

– Foods that contain magnesium

Important mineral for the heart and brain. Consume daily doses of nuts (a handful), brown rice, oatmeal, pumpkin and sunflower seeds.

Written by Ricardo Sturk from the Eu Sem Fronteiras team

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