How can I help a person with anxiety?

When we talk about anxiety, many things can come to our mind: anxiety is a personality trait, an emotion we deal with, it can represent an anxiety crisis or a psychological disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, also known as GAD.

Just to conceptualize and contextualize, in this article we are talking specifically about TAG, the generalized anxiety disorder, so we will not bring tips for dealing with a person who is in crisis, for example. In short, the idea is to present advice that will help you deal with those who are facing this disease.

Before proceeding with the tips, it is important to understand what this disorder is and how it can affect those who are experiencing it. Understand!

What is TAG?

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is characterized as a state of excessive, persistent anxiety that does not always have a specific trigger or context. That is, the person who suffers from this problem usually feels anxious without necessarily having a specific reason for it.

According to an estimate by the World Health Organization (WHO) published in 2020, in Spain, 9.3% of the population has some anxiety disorder. As our population is over 210 million people, this represents about 19 million people, 7 million people more than the inhabitants of the city of SĂŁo Paulo.

Among the main symptoms of GAD are inability to feel relaxed, feeling of fatigue and tiredness, restlessness or inability to calm down, difficulty concentrating, memory loss, difficulty making decisions, feeling of being “on edge”, irritability, tension emotional and muscular and sleep alterations.

Although anxiety still has no cure, treatment can be done with psychotherapy and also with psychiatric help, through the use of antidepressants and benzodiazepines. The diagnosis can only be made by doctors and it is not recommended to start any treatment without proper medical follow-up.

How to help a person with TAG

As there are more than 19 million people with GAD in our country, it is likely that you know someone who is experiencing this disorder. So know that you can make a difference by helping to build a support network for that person to deal with this problem and, in the end, be able to overcome it.

Therefore, we have prepared a list of 8 tips that will help you understand how to behave in front of a person with TAG and how you can help. This will be better addressed in tip number 8, but remember: always encourage the person to seek medical treatment!

How can I help a person with anxiety?
Aris Leoven / capturenow / Canva

1 – Learn to recognize crises

Although GAD is characterized by a persistent, excessive and often uninterrupted state of anxiety, crises do occur. In these crises, it is common for the person to have difficulty breathing, begin to hyperventilate, despair, do not say “nothing to nothing”, among other symptoms, such as crying, intestinal problems, excessive sweating, etc.

The more you live with a person who suffers from GAD, the more easily you will be able to identify moments of crisis. When you see this happening, stay calm. The ideal is to try to help the person control his breathing, but don't force anything: if he wants to talk non-stop, be next to him and allow it.

If you feel that things are getting out of hand, it is best to seek medical help. In short, the key is to stay calm and not get nervous and anxious with the person, which will only make them more desperate. Be a safe haven, keep your voice firm and calm, show that you are there and that it will pass.

2 – Keep your ears open

Sometimes, people with GAD can be repetitive, always brooding over the same problems and even hypothetical or impossible situations. Even in these cases, it is ideal that you offer a listening ear and try your best not to judge the person or show them to be wrong in a violent, aggressive or imposing way.

Above all, listen. More than talking, she needs to feel heard, welcomed and cared for. If possible, intervene, show that the situation is not so bad, that it is not so, that it will pass, among other arguments. But she remembers to be gentle, not to turn her attentive ears into a stubborn mouth.

How can I help a person with anxiety?
Eliza Alves / capturenow / Canva

3 – Don’t offer toxic positivity

“Life is beautiful, you have to smile more”. "Have you ever tried to look at it in a more positive light?" "Leave it alone, you have to be happy!" Phrases like these just don't help a person who has TAG at all. In addition, they get in the way and make her feel incapable and “freaked out”.

Do you think an anxious person likes to be like that? That she doesn't try to be positive? Don't you try to let go of what bothers you and be happy? Of course I do! She is waging an emotional war, and anxiety often wins a battle. If you can't comment on something you do well, something solid, simply offer to listen.

4 – Be empathic

Imagine fearing everything and everyone all the time, always expecting the worst, being afraid of happiness because it can turn into tragedy in two moments… These are some of the feelings that people with GAD face. That's why it's essential not just to listen, but to put yourself in her shoes.

When you try to understand the way she feels, you can understand how exhausting a crisis or dealing with long-term anxiety can be. So, from that, you can be more supportive and empathetic with those who face this problem.

5 – Avoid leaving the person isolated

It is common for people who face problems such as GAD and depression to feel like a burden in the lives of others. They feel repetitive talking about their problems, they have the feeling that everyone thinks they are exaggerating, and so on. That's why sometimes they prefer to isolate themselves.

It is essential to prevent this from happening. These moments of isolation are very bad for the self-esteem of those who go through a problem like this. In addition, they can decrease the effectiveness of medical treatment and the hope for improvement. Anyway, do your best to be around and include her in everything possible.

How can I help a person with anxiety?
RODNAE Productions / Pexels / Canva

6 – How about a walk?

Still following the previous tip, when you notice that people are having bad days or are going through a crisis, suggest a date or a walk, if possible. Even if it's at her house, in case she's really not feeling well enough to go out and expose herself.

More than saying words of comfort and saying “I'm here for whatever you need”, it is necessary to act. So act and be present when you feel that the person needs to be distracted from their anxiety spikes or long isolation. Be together!

7 – Don’t make mysteries

"I have something to tell you, but at night I'll tell you." There is nothing more distressing for a person with an anxiety disorder than hearing something like this. Since you know she is having this problem, be as clear and direct as possible in your communication.

Avoid hiding situations, feelings and problems, don't make mysteries and, if possible, even avoid surprises. A surprise may seem like a good idea, but it can make the anxious person think: “If I didn't notice the surprise being arranged, I could be ignoring a lot more…”. So be clear and transparent with the person.

8 – Encourage to seek treatment

GAD is not a personality trait, it's a psychological disorder — and that means there is treatment and hope for a cure and better days for people who are going through this problem.

It is part of its “function” as a support network to encourage people with GAD to seek treatment and psychotherapy. Talking and counting on friends and family makes a difference and it's very good, but the professional help that a psychologist can offer is essential in the case of a person with GAD.

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Now that you already know how to help a person who is going through this problem, how about reaching out to someone who is in need of help? With a few meaningful words and gestures, you can really help someone out of this situation stronger, seeing a bright future ahead!

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