What are spiritual dimensions?

All living beings on the face of the Earth have a body, as the vast majority are social, relating to each other in communities, societies and in a great network of interdependence in which life takes place.

The human being, however, can expand beyond physical existence and capture other realities, including himself. He is able to transcend and have access to spiritual spheres other than the one in which he exists, connecting to other universes. He can access what is meant by dimensions and understand life in all its complexity and essence, as long as it reaches the necessary evolutionary level.

It is through the spiritual dimensions that humanity is able to understand its connection with the Divine and evolve spiritually, understanding its purpose in the world, the relationship with other beings and with the whole Universe and the meaning of life.

Spiritual dimensions are not physical locations, but increasing evolutionary levels of consciousness, on a scale of one to seven. So let's get to know what existence is in each of the seven spiritual dimensions!

What are spiritual dimensions?
Ariel Jimenez Gil / Pixabay

1st and 2nd spiritual dimensions

The first dimension is formed by the atom, molecules, genetic codes, water, soil, minerals, physical structures. In the second dimension it is possible to find the plant and animal kingdoms. It contains all organic matter with unicellular or multicellular beings.

In the first dimension, beings communicate through sensation, while in the second they also communicate through the five senses - smell, sight, hearing, taste and touch, with the exception of the human being, who communicates through language and has reasoning and conscience.

In these two dimensions there are beings (different from Man) who understand small commands, mainly through conditioning, but there is no awareness of concepts.

3rd Dimension

The third dimension is the state of consciousness in which the ego prevails and where the human being seeks to connect to the Higher Self through spirituality, however without understanding that before being human, he is a spiritual being. In it are incarnate beings or in physical bodies.

Here the mind is rational, it needs to rescue the connection with the divine and communication is established through sensations, senses and thought. At this point beings are able to understand concepts.

What are spiritual dimensions?
Anastacia Cooper / Pixabay

In this dimension we can notice fear, illness, victimism, guilt, lack, rigidity and cruelty. The current process that humanity is going through is a transition from this level of consciousness to what is known as the fifth dimension, in which human beings come to understand their spirituality, their origin and the unity of the Universe.

In the third dimension, people begin to be aware of living in a more egalitarian, fairer society focused on the common good, in which technology can be useful to support life on the face of the Earth and unveil other spatial and spiritual dimensions. However, to consciously perceive other dimensions requires perseverance and focused work.

4rd Dimension

Known as the astral world, the fourth dimension is also called the etheric world and Paradise and represents a higher state of consciousness.

In the fourth dimension, it is possible to connect to other realities, other dimensions. It coexists with the third dimension, in a parallel reality, where everything does not have the density of matter, that is, it is possible to cross physical bodies โ€“ a wall, for example.

Here are the purely spiritual beings, that is, without a physical body, divided into two regions:

Lower โ€“ where are the low vibration beings and what we know as hell or threshold.

Superior โ€“ where are the elemental beings of nature, such as fairies, salamanders, elves, gnomes and where are the spiritual colonies, one of which is Our Home.

There are people who work with this dimension to create possibilities and seek well-being, appreciation, joy, inner peace and love for others, exercising cooperation.

5rd Dimension

The fifth dimension is where everything is eternal and the notion of time does not exist, as one can transit in what would be the past, the present or the future through the mental and astral bodies.

In it it is possible to assume physical form if there is desire and need. It is where the beings of light are, the masters of multidimensional consciousness in the service of God. This is the dimension towards which humanity is heading, the objective of the planetary transition.

What are spiritual dimensions?
Jplenio / Pixabay

In the fifth dimension, the existence of extraterrestrials, of paranormal phenomena, of mysterious forces that govern the Universe is admitted.

At this level of consciousness, the human being is able to perceive that everyone is united by love, can know each other deeply and live in a full and harmonious way, respecting and understanding other beings.

6rd Dimension

This dimension is beyond eternity, where the first electronic worlds are. It is divided into two worlds: causal (where the souls of human beings are) and buddhic, where the divine soul is. It is the awareness of infinite versions that coexist simultaneously and can be accessed at any time in space.

In this dimension it is known that there are many other dimensions, other beings at different evolutionary levels, including higher ones and other universes that make up the same unit. It is believed that we access this dimension while we sleep and in it we study and work so that our spirit is perfected.

7rd Dimension

This dimension is known to be part of the electronic worlds. In her is the absolute, formless, the Father. There is the total elimination of the ego. It allows for spiritual renewal.

In the seventh dimension, there is the understanding that in the same way that beings can have several versions, so also happens with the Universe, starting with the "Big Bang", which would have started everything and that may have occurred in different ways in the various universes. that make up the Whole.

It is the awareness that alternative universes exist and that our known 'big bang' is just a possibility. It is the idea that the Universe, as we (un)know it, can be infinitely vast.

What are spiritual dimensions?

It represents pure love, the โ€œawakened stateโ€, always aware, higher truth and connection to the creative source of all dimensions. When accessed, this dimension is capable of changing thinking and promoting instant healing.

In conclusion, the spiritual dimensions are the stages of spiritual awareness or connection to the creative source in which each human being and humanity find themselves, in addition to other beings that cohabit the Universe.

Science has been trying to unravel, from the "Big Bang", how the planets were formed, the matter that constitutes living beings, the relations between the Earth and the Cosmos, the existence and explanation for the "black holes", the real possibility of life of extraterrestrial beings, that other universes are possible, so many questions that it is difficult to enumerate them. All you want is to find answers and discover the meaning of life.

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Some answers, however, come from the idea that there is a superior force from which the human being has detached himself and that, in order to live in harmony and fullness, he needs to rescue and will do so when he evolves into another dimension or spiritual consciousness.

Reflect on this real possibility considering the transition through which we pass from the third to the fifth dimension. Note that we begin to understand gratitude as one of the most potent feelings of humanity, that it is possible to use technology for collective benefit, that achievements and happiness go far beyond material goods and that consumption and life on Earth are closely linked. , to name a few examples. Seek your self-knowledge and your way of seeing yourself as a spiritual being. Start connecting with the fifth dimension!

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