home remedy for candidiasis

Although very common, candidiasis is a very uncomfortable disease that can harm the health of those who have it frequently. The fungus Candida albicans, which causes the disease, is always in the vaginal flora, but if there is an imbalance in the body, it can develop in large numbers.

The formation of a Candida albicans population is what can cause itching, fluid secretion, burning, inflammation and redness in the genital area. Candidiasis develops more easily in women, when there is a drop in immunity, because this fungus is natural in the female body, although it can also manifest in men.

If you are experiencing itching, burning and/or pain in the intimate area and are releasing secretion or have noticed inflammation, the best thing to do is schedule a medical appointment. While these symptoms can indicate that thrush is present in your body, they can also be signs of other diseases.

If your appointment is still a long way off, or if you need immediate relief from this nasty annoyance, there are some home remedies for thrush that you can apply to the area.

Be aware that this relief should not be interpreted as a treatment and that a health professional is the most indicated to help you if symptoms persist. For candidiasis to be truly cured, it is necessary to identify what is causing it and not just treat the discomfort.

home remedy for candidiasis
Tesa Robbins / Pixabay

home remedies for candidiasis

1) Apply natural yogurt to the affected area

With a clean syringe without needle, introduce a dose of plain yogurt into the vagina or apply it to the penis, with a cotton swab. Be careful not to apply it right after taking it out of the fridge. It is recommended that you remain lying down after performing this procedure, so that the product does not run. Attention: there is no scientific proof that this method is really efficient.

Yogurt contains lactobacilli that help balance the vaginal flora or the penile region, which can fight the proliferation of the fungus that causes candidiasis. One way to anticipate this problem is to avoid wearing tight pants and panties made of synthetic materials, which make it difficult for the region to breathe and create a favorable environment for the fungus.

2) Perform a sitz bath with chamomile

A sitz bath is an ancient technique for restoring the balance of the vaginal flora, but it should not be performed frequently. In the case of candidiasis, you can perform a sitz bath using three tablespoons of dried chamomile in a liter of hot water. Place the mixture in a bowl and sit on it for five minutes, without touching the water.

Chamomile steam, which shouldn't be too hot, will allow your body to incorporate the plant's anti-inflammatory and soothing capabilities, lessening the intensity of thrush symptoms. Another way to prevent the development of the disease is to avoid stressful situations in your routine, which can reduce your immunity.

3) Perform a sitz bath with apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is an important agent in the fight against microorganisms that are developing in large quantities in the intimate region. With an antiseptic potential, it can even restore the pH of the vaginal flora. Add half a cup of apple cider vinegar to a liter of hot water in a basin and sit on it for five minutes, without touching the water.

One way to prevent your vaginal pH from becoming unbalanced is to wash your vulva with just water, without soap. Also, do not use daily protectors to contain cervical mucus, which is natural in the body. This material makes it difficult for the vagina to breathe and can compromise your long-term health, causing thrush.

home remedy for candidiasis
Tesa Robbins / Pixabay

4) Add garlic to your diet

Garlic is a food known to be anti-inflammatory and that's why many people believe that including it in the diet is a way to fight candidiasis. There is no scientific proof of this and it is not recommended to put garlic cloves inside the vaginal canal, as this can make the irritation worse.

If you want a diet that is able to balance your body, it's okay to incorporate garlic into your menu, but be aware that it may not solve the problem permanently, but a nutrient-rich diet is always a way to go. to strengthen your body.

5) Perform a sitz bath with baking soda

Another option for a sitz bath is sodium bicarbonate, which can be applied in the mouth in the case of oral thrush. It has the ability to reduce itching, but it may not relieve other symptoms. Add 50 grams of bicarbonate to a liter of hot water in a basin and sit on it.

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It is important to remember that only a healthcare professional will provide an effective and lasting treatment for candidiasis. The recipes presented are effective in relieving symptoms, but they do not replace a medical consultation.

To permanently get rid of thrush, it's important to know what's causing it, especially if it's repeat thrush. Take care of your health daily so that this disease does not take over your body.

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