Is your life an eternal tomorrow?

    Is your life an eternal tomorrow?

    Hello, how are you REALLY doing? Feel and observe whether the following lines or lines resonate with you:

    • Tomorrow I start to get up earlier.
    • Tomorrow I start exercising.
    • Tomorrow I'll do it differently!
    • Tomorrow I start putting my project into practice.
    • Tomorrow I'm getting ready to work from home.
    • Tomorrowโ€ฆ well, tomorrow I think about what I'm going to do with my life.

    And so, your life is built on eternal tomorrows that never come! Your life is a real quagmire, and you just don't see a solution. In fact, the solution is even seen, but there is another list of objections that prevent you from taking action.

    See if you also identify:

    • When the quarantine is over, my life will get better.
    • Oh! But I only know how to do this!
    • I can't learn anything else, I'm too old for that.
    • Why am I doing this? Nobody appreciates that kind of thing!
    • Nobody helps me!
    • You do not understand me! I'm alone, nobody helps me!
    • I was born this way and I will die this way!
    • Oh! But this is very complicated!
    • Pffff! But that will take a long time to happen.
    • Nothing works for me. Nothing goes right in my life!

    There must be a lot of other phrases you say to yourself every single day. There, divine creature, I am sorry to inform you that, in fact, you will never leave where you are. And I'll go further: you really deserve to be where you are.

    At this point, you might even feel angry at what I said. To think I have no empathy. And create several other stories in your mind, judging me and not reading this text.

    It's okay if your CHOICE is to skip this text and continue to be the victim of fate in your life.

    And it's also okay if YOUR choice is to continue reading and allow yourself to have a different view than yours.

    One of the steps to take towards a life on the move, consistent with your dreams, goals and objectives, is to start by owning up to the anger you feel for being where you are. That's right! Acknowledging our feelings is the first step.

    With that done, I invite you to list 10 things that make your anger even bigger. Grab paper, pen and WRITE. Oh! Mari, but does it really have to be on paper? Look at you there again in the objections. Just WRITE, divine creature. On this side, I'm laughing, because I was once this problem-focused person. Glad the time passes.

    And as time passes, what will you do with the list of your angers? Breathe! Because it's simpler than you think, and I TRUST you can do it.

    For each angry state of your being, you will identify:

    • What triggers this anger?
    • When or who arouses anger in you?
    • Why do you feel angry at this or this person?
    • What ACTION โ€“ linked ONLY to you โ€“ can you take to RESOLVE this situation?

    Breathe! Breathe again!

    And please don't throw your cell phone away when faced with the following reality: THIS ANGER IS ALL YOUR PROBLEM! YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR IT! AND THERE IS NO MAGIC TO CHANGE WHAT'S INSIDE YOU!

    I'll fix it: there is magic, yes! The magic is in you choosing to walk a path inward and destroy, uncreate, deprogram the beliefs and actions that keep you in that highly uncomfortable comfort zone.

    When you do the exercise proposed here, you will have a list of TEN actions in your favor!!! Look, with your essence โ€“ connected to the source of ALL THAT IS โ€“ the inner POWER you access by choosing to seek solutions over excuses.

    Anger can be used as a fuel to get you out of procrastination. Just like envy, because if you have identified people who generate anger in you, you can identify that anger comes only because that person has what you would like to have, but because he does what you are too lazy to do.

    If the following statement appears:

    "It's easy for you to say, but know that I don't have the money to invest."

    Money is an enabler, yes. Let's not be hypocrites. But if you had access to all the money in the world right now, be honest: would you really get moving? Or would you just change the sea of โ€‹โ€‹mud full of eternal tomorrows to some Caribbean island? BE TRUE!

    Do your best! With the tools you have today!

    • Three tips for dealing with anger in a positive way
    • Being happy is a choice. Free yourself!
    • Discover more about human behavior
    • Manual on how to have greater emotional control
    • Immunity and health: benefits of meditation

    If your best today is to get up an hour earlier so you can get a good coffee and get ready to work from home, great!

    If your best bet is to get back to eating real food, great.

    Your best thing today is to seek and schedule a therapy that you identify with to get help, great.

    Suddenly, your best thing today is to stop watching distorted news and nourish yourself with a book or music or use this time to stay in touch with yourself.

    The solution to procrastination is within you.

    trust. Knife. Delivered. release.

    Then tell me here in the comments how it was for you to find 10 solutions.

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