Healthy lunchboxes for your everyday life

It is increasingly common, especially now, in times of crisis, to see people taking lunchboxes to work, school, etc. This is a really easy way to save some of your hard-earned money and eat healthier. Another reason that makes many adopt this habit is the security in knowing the origin of the food being consumed. However, some very basic care must be taken with regard to storage and transport, in order to ensure that the meal is not contaminated by bacteria and microorganisms.

Ideally, if the journey is longer, the food is stored and kept in a thermal bag. That way, the temperature of your meal will not change, let alone the color, flavor or texture.

To know the exact amount of food, experts recommend that food be placed on a normal plate, the one you use at home to make your meals. In this way, you will be able to have a real and visual amount of each portion. The plate should be divided evenly between animal proteins (meats) and carbohydrates. If you prefer, swap this part for the consumption of vegetables, such as lentils and beans. The other half should be filled with vegetables and greens.

Healthy lunchboxes for your everyday life

Cold foods should be kept separate from hot ones. Therefore, a good tip is to opt for storage containers that contain dividers. If you don't have any at your disposal, choose to separate the salad from the rest of these foods. Avoid eggs, foods with sauces or fried foods, as they are much more likely to spoil easily and thus end up contaminating the rest of your food.

The best storage option is glass containers, which can easily go in the microwave. Plastic ones are considered more practical, but to avoid any risk, put all the food on a plate before taking it to the microwave. The use of aluminum pots is not recommended. That's because, these containers can change the taste and texture of the food, moreover, they cannot be placed directly in the microwave.

Menu options:

1 Option: sandwich made with wholegrain bread, roast beef, cream cheese, lettuce, finely chopped fennel and arugula.

2 Option: hot dish with beans, rice, boiled meat and braised cabbage + salad with tomato, grated beetroot, American type lettuce and grated carrot.

3 Option: rice cooked in the oven with regular rice, mushrooms, carrots cut into cubes, very fresh tomato sauce, broccoli, peas and shredded chicken.

4 Option: cold dish with tomatoes, salad with different leaves, boiled corn, tuna, chickpeas, croutons and carrots.

5 Option: hot dish with grilled chicken fillet and whole wheat pasta + cooked vegetables such as cauliflower, carrots, eggplant and broccoli.

  • Text written by Flávia Faria from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.
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