Healthy life starts in childhood

    How many of us had health concerns in our youth? Days without taking a shower, brushing your teeth only when your mother forced you to, having sweet lunches, eating a can of condensed milk, sleeping late, hours and hours in front of the television watching cartoons or playing video games. Of course, we already had some of these habits during childhood and, if it's silly, we still carry some of them into adulthood.

    It is very difficult for us to acquire healthy habits in our lives. For example: if you grew up and put in your routine the intake of one fruit a day, it will be much easier to carry this forward into adulthood than suddenly having a nutritionist guide you so that you can start doing it on the day. Following. You could even get it one day or another, a few weeks and even a few months, but it won't be automatic. Our body is not “programmed” for this. Such habits will be done mechanically, that is, people who remember to perform the action, and the best thing would be for our own body to ask for it.

    Healthy life starts in childhoodIf acquiring healthy habits is difficult, then the best thing to do is to learn them in childhood. It is evident the difficulty in making a child understand that a broccoli brings more advantages than a brigadeiro, after all, he will not have the understanding of the evils and benefits of both foods, and his only judgment will be established by the taste. This is where the role of parents comes in to place, whenever possible and gradually, these types of foods in meals so that they are part of the child's routine.

    Another good suggestion is meditation. If the issue of taste is decisive for bringing children closer to sweets, the need to experience everything instantly and the practically infinite willingness to play hinder any activity that stimulates the concentration of the youngest. Certainly, if this is trained and placed in the child's routine, he will develop skills that will make a difference later on.

    These types of recommendations should be placed in a non-evasive way in children's routine. That is, a boy and a girl should play, have fun, eat sweets and even get hurt in physical activities. All of these are natural things that are part of the development of all young people. One should not run over these steps for a health routine. Everything must be done in balance and synchrony so that the little ones can have healthy habits, but also a happy life.

    Written by Diego Rennan of the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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