Have you ever heard that the mouth is hungry?

It is very personal how each one will perceive these sensations, this is also linked to cultural factors, family traditions, daily habits, how we know and get used to the different flavors, and also partly due to genetic factors.

An example of a genetic factor is the acceptance for the cilantro herb. The vast majority accept this herb without problems, but 10% of the population hates it. And also a preference for spicy or sour foods.

In addition, each one's experiences with food, which may have been pleasant or unpleasant. We can associate a situation that occurred with a consumed food, and “veto” that flavor or food.

The pleasure of mouth hunger happens when we are present and experiencing the food, noting the taste and also the texture, the shape, the aromas, the contact with the tongue, the temperature… 

The mouth is not satisfied with just the food inside it, chewing and swallowing. To get pleasure and satisfaction, the mind must be present and participating in what occurs in the mouth and noticing what the sensations of that food are. Otherwise, the mouth will always ask for more and will end up repeating or eating without even realizing it.

If we get distracted by our cell phone, social media, TV or other activity, you will eat and not even realize what you ate. Have you ever tried eating popcorn at the cinema? At first you even feel the savory taste, but when you're involved with the movie you don't even realize you're eating and only notice that it's over when there's no more in the package.

At a meal, if we are distracted answering messages, the mouth will remain hungry, wanting more food and you may repeat without realizing it. You were not present at the time of the meal and this causes you to eat more, without really wanting to. 

Another point is to have more attention with chewing. Digestion starts in the mouth and if we grind the food well, this will facilitate the stomach's work, reducing the discomfort that can cause or the feeling of heaviness.

When you start to practice Mindful Eating and pay more attention to what you are eating, you will feel more pleasure with food and enjoy this moment.

Have you ever heard that the mouth is hungry?

Let's practice? 

Put down the cutlery!

You can introduce the rest of the cutlery in meals, this will help to slow down and bring attention to the mouth while you are chewing. You take advantage of this moment to only be present in the mouth, when you finish swallowing, take the cutlery again and prepare the next forkful, with that you will be in the present moment. You can also do it with a sandwich or a fruit that you eat with your hand, practicing one bite at a time!

Bon appetit!

Referência: BAYS, J. C. Mindful Eating. Shambhala, 2009.

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